Page 29 of Broken Empire
“Definea few!”Isnap hysterically.
“Gunto my head…I’dsay about forty-five.”
Iquickly turn away from him, feeling sick to my stomach all of a sudden.Ifeel a wave of despair wash over me asIcomprehend the fact that he’s done this to forty-five women and he’s still alive…Athought pops into my head and suddenlyIjust need to know the answer but also so fucking scared to actually know it.
“Areany of them still alive?”Iask with my back still turned to him.
“Nope.” he tells me andIcan hear the glee in his words.
Whatfucking hope doIhave of getting out of here?
Myhead is fucked up right now with so many thoughts floating around asIstep closer to one of the showers that’s on the wall at the back of the room.Iturn on the shower and feel the water cascade over me just as the first tear slips down my face.
Asmy entire body gets soaked, pain makes me aware of my wound, as it stings because of the water touching it.Wouldsome fucking pain killers be too much to ask for right now?
Ilet out a pained groan asIlook down to see that the bandage is even more soaked through with blood now and there’s even some trickling down my leg.Ihear him chuckling at my groan of pain from his seat and it just annoys me.
“Wouldyou get fucked asshole!Whyare you even in here right now?”
“Justkeeping an eye on my beautiful prey,cara,”
“Don’tfucking call me that!”Isnap.Ashiver running up my spine at his words.It’smaking me wonder what else he has planned for me.Italso makes me feel gross and dirty all over again.I’venever hated the word beautiful before but having it come from his lips makes me.
“Callyou what,cara?”
Idon’t answer him becauseIknow he’s just antagonizing me right now.Whata fucking dickhead!Hejust laughs like he knows exactly whatI’mthinking andIhate the fucking sound of it.Itjust grates on my damn nerves.
Choosingto just pretend like he doesn’t exist,Igrab the loofah and shower gel that’s in the little nook in the wall and lather my skin up.
Forsome reason, my mind takes me back to his hands and mouth on me, his cock and his cum inside me.BeforeI’meven aware of whatI’mdoing,I’mscrubbing my skin as hard asIcan.
Ijust want to get rid of his touch on my skin.Iscrub and scrub until tears are running down my face because it feels likeI’llnever be clean of his touch ever again.
Afew minutes later, it feels like my skin is on fire as it starts to burn.Ipay no mind to that.Ijust keep going, scrubbing my legs and arms, trying to clean all his leftover cum that’s still inside me.
Amoment later whileI’mstill frantically rubbing my skin raw,Ifeel his presence behind me.Hegrabs my hand to stop me from continuing.
“That’senough,” he grunts in a commanding voice.
“It’llnever be enough…”Iwhisper out.
Hepulls me out of the shower and shuts it off before pulling me along with him toward the bench.Hepicks up the towel and hands it to me.Itake it and begin to dry my skin which now hurts from all that scrubbingIjust did.
“Timefor us to have some fun now,” he tells me with a grin on his face onceI’mdone.Hetakes the towel and drops it onto the floor andIinstantly feel dread pool in the pit of my stomach.
Hedrags me along with him until we make our way upstairs.Hepulls me into a room that’s of moderate size.There’sa stage area at the front of the room and then chairs spread out to form a semi-circle around the room, theater style.
Iaverage there’s about fifty or more chairs and most of them are filled with men in suits.They’reall drinking liquor from their glasses, like they’re waiting for a show to begin.Andof course, all these cowards wear masks covering their faces.
Antoniomarches me forward onto the stage.Hedrags me toward the hugeX-cross that’s closer to the back of the stage.Iinstantly try to resist but his grip on me becomes tighter and he becomes rougher with me.Hegrabs me by the back of the neck, holding me in place as he twists my head around to look at him.
“Ifyou act like a fucking brat,Iwill make this ten times worse on you.Doyou understand me?” he sneers.WhenIdon’t answer he shakes me untilInod my head yes. “Good.”
Hepulls me toward theX-cross again and begins to cuff my wrists before moving on to my ankles.I’mrestrained to this thing with my back to the room.Heleaves me standing there for a moment wondering what’s going to happen next.
Ican hear the excited murmurings coming from the men in the room and it makes me feel disgusted.Whythe fuck are men like this allowed to exist?
Thecrack and hiss of a whip is the only clueIhave about what’s happening, a second before the whip crashes against my skin.Ilet out an agony filled scream as the pain engulfs me.