Page 35 of Broken Empire

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Page 35 of Broken Empire

Withthat he stands and leaves the bathroom.Ifinally manage to get up a few minutes later and shrug off my clothes before turning on the water to heat.Itake a long shower and by the timeI’mdoneI’mfeeling somewhat human again.

Idry my skin and head into our room to grab some clothes before walking out into the kitchen.Theguys are all here and they’re making breakfast.Roycehands me some painkillers for my headache and a bottle of water andItake it gratefully.

“Youassholes let him use chloroform on me?”Iask a moment later, afterI’vedowned the pills, with a salty tone to my voice.

“Well, you were kind of hell bent on killing yourself with alcohol last night so that was the best option for us,”Natesays.

“Well, you guys’ suck!Wheredid he even get chloroform from?”

“Colehad some lying around,”Becksays.

“Ijust bet he did.”Isay with a roll of my eyes.

Huntershoves a plate of food in front of me a moment later andIdig in as the rest of the guys get theirs as well. “IfIdidn’t love your sister and ifIwas gay,I’dmarry you.You’realways taking care of me like a good little housewife.”Isay smirking.

“I’monly keeping you alive becauseIdon’t want my sister to suffer any more heartbreak, even if she hates you, possibly.IswearI’venever come across two numbskulls like the pair of you before in all the twenty-eight yearsI’vebeen on this earth.Howcan two people who love each other be so stupid to have their wires crossed all the time?” he asks with a roll of his eyes.

“I’mtelling her what you called her!”Igrumble, not at all touching his last question with a ten-foot pole.

“Goahead, she won’t believe you,” he says smirking at me.

“Theguys will vouch for me.”

“Nottouching that at all,” they all say.

“Traitors!Whatare we doing today?”Iask when we’re all done eating.

“Sincewe’re home now and we’re still waiting forCarter’sorCole’sinformation,Ifigured you’d want to deal with the little problem you left behind here before everything went to shit,”Roycetells me with a gleam in his eyes.

“Hellfucking yes!Ineed something to distract me.Didyou find out who it was?”

“Yes.ItwasAmberand her minions,”Becksays andIfeel anger course through me.

“Don’tknow what the fuck you saw in that ogre brother,”Graysonsays shaking his head at me.

“Canwe not talk about my stupid choices whileIwas losing my mind?Kaythanks boys,”

“Nope.You’renot getting off that easily, bro,”Roycegrins at me.

“Justfucking remember,I’msure at some point in the future, you guys will also be making asses of yourselves andI’llbe right there to rub that shit in.Let’sget going then!Itold that bitch what would happen to her if she touched what was mine again and she didn’t listen.Nowshe’s going to pay the price.Whereare they?”

“Hunterlet us keep them at his warehouse,”Natesays.

“Yougot any heroin, bro?”IaskHunt.




“Damnyou’re very prepared for shit,”

“WhatamIan amateur?” he says, rolling his eyes.

Weall head down to the parking garage and get into two vehicles, before we make our way toHunter’swarehouse, where he holds his illegal fights.

Whenwe get there, we all follow him inside.I’mnot surprised when he leads us into a hidden passageway and down toward the basement, where it’s pretty much the same setup as the one inLondon.Heopens one of the doors andIstep inside with the guys all following behind.

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