Page 36 of Broken Empire

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Page 36 of Broken Empire

“Youguys don’t have to witness this, you know?Youcan wait upstairs if you’d like,”Isay, giving them an out.Theydon’t know about the monsterI’vebecome.TheoneIhad to be inLondonto teach those two assholes a lesson.

“Nah, bro.We’rein this together.Ifthis was for any one of us right now, you’d be down here too, no questions asked,”Becksays and he’s right.They’remy best friends, my brothers andI’ddo whatever it took to keep them safe or deal with anyone who was fucking with them.

Ilook over toGraysonand he nods as well, letting me know that he’s staying put.Igive them a nod back to let them knowIget it.Afew moments laterAmberopens her eyes andIsee surprise and fear etched into them.

Herthree minions are still passed out for now.They’reall tied to chairs, their feet to the legs and their wrists to the arms.

“Mason!Help!Youhave to help me, please!Idon’t know why your fucking psycho friends brought us here and then just left us!” she screams before she starts sobbing.Damn, was her voice always this fucking annoying and whiny?

“Oh, there’s a fucking reason!Whatthe fuck didItell you about touching my girl?”Iask in a deadly tone.

“Wha-what?” she stammers.

“Youknow exactly what the fuckI’mtalking about!Youjumped her and disrupted all the fucking progressIwas making with her, so she could forgive me for being an asshole and now because of you she ran away and was kidnapped!”Isnap.Isee the flicker of glee in her eyes before she masks it quickly.

“I-I—” she starts trying to recover butIstop her.

“Shutthe fuck up!Isaw you just now and just know that you’re not getting out of here untilIfuck you up a little,”Isay smirking at her.

“A-are you going to kill us?” she asks, sobbing.

“Me?No.ButI’mgoing to set you on the course where you’ll do it yourself,”Isay sinisterly.

“Whatdo you mean?”

“I’mgoing to give you a little cocktail to help you on your way.Whenwe finally let you go you better not tell anyone about this because thenIwill fucking kill you andI’llmake it hurt.You’llfeel pain you’ve never imagined before, amIclear?”

“Yes,” she whispers, still sobbing.

“Doyou have the heroin?”IaskHunterand he produces four syringes already filled.

“No.Pleasedon’t!” she begs when she sees me collect one from him.

“Oh,Winteris his sister,”Isay pointing toHunter. “So, he wants to see you suffer just as much asIdo.Ifucking warned you to stay away from her but you didn’t listen and that’s on you.Everythinghappening to you now is because of your own actions.”

Iwalk over to her and feel for the vein in her arm by her elbow and stick the needle in.Iinject all the contents of the syringe into her.Iwould go slower butIdon’t have time to waste.Ionly know how to do this becauseHuntergave me a mock demonstration earlier sinceIwanted to be the one who did this and not him.Ofcourse, the asshole pouted the whole time too because he wouldn’t get to have any fun as he put it.Shescreams before going silent for a moment.

Ilook up to seeHunter,Royce, andBeckall with a syringe in their hands andIwatch as they do the same to the other three in the room.They’veall woken up by now and are sobbing.

“Youidiots shouldn’t have followed her blindly like sheep.Nowlook at what she got you into.”Itell them.Whenthey’re done, we all leave the room and start to head back up. “Iwant your guys to give them more until they’re craving it.Thatway when we let them go, they can fuckingODby themselves,”Imutter.

Somemight think that’s harsh butIdon’t give a fuck.Theyfucked with what’s mine even when they were warned against it, but they didn’t listen.

OnceIfind her,Iwill never let anyone hurt her ever again.I’llfucking lock her ass in a room ifIhave to.We’vejust stepped back into the apartment whenHunter’sphone starts to ring.

“It’sCarter,” he says as he answers it and puts it on speaker. “What’sup, bro?”

“Ourinfo andCole’shelped big time.She’sinColorado,”Cartersays over the line. “We’llmeet you there.We’realready in the air.Tellhothead there to fucking wait until we have a plan of action figured out.Ifwe go in without one, she’s dead.”

Iknow he’s talking about me, andIroll my eyes whenHunterlooks over at me.Obviously,I’mnot going to do anything to mess up my girl’s survival now that we finally know where she is.

“I’llget the plane ready,”Huntersays a moment later after he hangs up withCarter, andInod.

“I’mfucking ready to go get my girl back,”Itell him.

“Youguys should stay back since this is going to be dangerous,” he tells the guys.

“Fuckoff, dickhead!We’reall going,” they say and that’s the end of it,Iguess.

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