Page 37 of Broken Empire
“We’regoing toColoradoto kill some assholes!”Imutter as we step back out of the apartment to head for the airport.I’mone step closer to bringing her home now and the anticipation to kill these assholes is high.Ijust hope this info is correct and we actually find her this time.
Wegeton the plane andIkeep flitting between two different emotions.Nervousnessat not knowing whatI’mgoing to find and then rage at the fact that these assholes had the audacity to take what’s mine.I’mjust glad we’re finally close to getting her back, well at leastIhope that we are.
I’mbrimming with the anticipation of killing all the fuckers who had a hand in her disappearance.Thishad better not be another dead end, my girl has been away from me for too long already.
Theflight fromRavenwoodtoBoulder,Colorado, takes two and a half hours andIremain on edge the whole time until we finally land.Iknow the flight was a short one, but it honestly felt like a fucking lifetime if you ask me.
Assoon asHunter, the guys, andIstep off the plane, we make our way straight to theSUVsthat are already parked on the tarmac, waiting for us.Weall get in and, in no time, the drivers are peeling out of there.
Wedrive for about twenty minutes or so, passing through the city before we leave it all behind and start driving past the rural areas until we come up to a huge mansion with acres of land behind and all around it from whatIcan tell.
TheSUVin front of the oneI’min withHunterand my brother comes to a stop in front of the gate for a moment, before they open.Onceit’s open, the vehicle drives through and the rest of us follow.
Themost noticeable thing while we drive up to the mansion is the fact that there are quite a few men dressed in black, carrying semi-automatics around on their shoulders, patrolling the perimeter.I’mpretty sure that there are more in the back that we haven’t even seen yet.Likewho the fuck needs this much security?
“Whothe fuck lives here?”IaskHuntera moment later as we continue to make our way up the driveway.
“Noone.Butthis is one ofCole’ssafe houses.He’shere with his men to help us,”Huntreplies.Ishake my head in a nod, because obviously, now it all makes sense.Theman needs this much security being the head of theMafiaand all.Whatthe fuck has my life turned into thatIknow the fucking head of aMafia?!Andhe’s helping me get my girl back… weird fucking worldI’mcurrently inImust say.
TheSUVsall reach the front of the mansion and park and we all get out.Oneof the men walks up to the door and opens it and we file into the house.Wethen all follow him toward the sitting room.
I’msurprised when we enter because it’s a large sitting room.Thewalls are dark gray, much like the rest of the placeI’veseen so far on the walk in.Thereare four large half circle couches as well as small accent chairs around the room.It’senough to sit us all and everyone starts to take a seat as we wait to see what happens next.
“UncleHunt!” a voice yells before a little body comes flying into the room at full speed.Hunterbends down a little and catches the little boy before standing up again with him in his arms.Irealize it’sCole’ssonMatteo.
“Heylittle man!Howare you and what are you doing here?”Hunterasks him.
“Icame withDaddy.I’mgood butImissed you,UncleHunt.Guesswhat?Igot two new baby brothers!” he tellsHunterexcitedly.JustthenColewalks into the room withAddisonnext to him, both of them with a tiny bundle in their arm.
Matteowiggles inHunter’sarms and he lets him down.Thelittle boy just pulls him along with him.
“Comesee my baby brothers!They’renice and all but they cry too much,” the little man says and we all laugh at his words.Ialso laugh at the fact thatHunterhas no other option but to obey the little guy’s command.
Afew of the housekeepers come into the room and start to pass out refreshments to all the guys but my eyes don’t leaveAddison.Seeingher holding the baby in her arms makes me wonder whatWinterwould be like pregnant and what she’d look like carrying a baby, our baby in her arms.
Thatthought makes my chest feel funny.It’sallI’vebeen thinking about ever sinceIstarted to mess with her birth control pills.ButIwant that with her more thanIever wanted it before.Ijust need to fucking get her back as soon as fucking possible for any of that to even happen.
“Doesyour brother-in-law seriously want me to grab my knife and dig his eyes out?”IhearColegrumble toHunterandIpull myself out of my thoughts to look at him.Irealize thatIwas just staring into space inAddison’sdirection.Evenwith a baby in his arms, the guy can still manage to look terrifying while threatening me.
Ilook back in her direction, actually focusing on her this time and see thatHunterhas one of the babies in his arms.
“Benice baby, he’s still going through some shit.Youlot are here to find his girlfriend after all, aren’t you?” she questions.
“Sorryman.Iwas just in my head,”Ireply.Idefinitely don’t want him to dig my eyeballs out of said head for any reason.
“Doyou want to hold one of the babies?” she asks as she takes the baby fromColeand walks over to me.
“I-Idon’t think?—”
“Nonsense.Iknow what that look in your eyes was,” she says, cutting me off with a smirk on her face. “You’redefinitely thinking of one.”
“Ium…”Istart but cut myself off as she fixes my arms how they need to be before putting the baby in them.
“Justmake sure you hold his head up,” she tells me.
“Holyshit!He’sso tiny,”Isay looking up atAddison.Coleis standing a few feet away looking over to make sureI’mholding him properly.Ican tell he’s definitely an overprotective father. “What’shis name?”