Page 38 of Broken Empire
“Well, they’re only a week old.”Shelaughs. “Thisone’s name isMarcoand his brother’s name isMaxim.”
“Itfits them and congratulations by the way.They’reso cute and adorable,”Itell her and she beams at me.
Ilook down at the baby in my arms and his eyes are already open.He’slooking up at me andIfeel myself get lost in his bright eyes.Hehas the lightest blue eyes, bordering on gray, thatI’veever seen.It’sactually a mix ofAddison’sgray andCole’sblue ones.
Iget lost in the bundle in my arms and the only thingI’mthinking about is doubling up my efforts likeIwas doing before she was kidnapped to get her pregnant.Ican’t wait to have a baby of my own.Thenagain, after this whole ordeal,I’mgoing to have to put my baby making dreams on hold for a while longer because taking care of her comes first.
Amoment later he starts to squirm in my arms andIget freaked out, not knowing what to do.Helooks like he’s about to cry andIlook up atAddisonwith whatI’msure is panic in my eyes and she laughs before taking pity on me and taking the baby back from me.
“He’sjust hungry.I’mgoing to go feed them.Seeyou guys later.ComeonMatteo, let’s go feed your brothers and letDaddyget back to work,” she says to me and thenMatteoas she starts to walk out of the room, as one of the maids take the other baby fromHunterbefore following behind her.
“Bye,Daddy.Bye,UncleHunt,” he says before running after his mother.
“Bye,” they both reply.
“So, what are we doing and what’s the plan?”Iask as soon asMatteois out of the room.
“Carterand his guys are almost here.Halfan hour tops and then we’ll be going over a plan of action to get your girl out of there,”Coletells me andInod my head. “Eatin the meantime.You’regoing to need your strength for this, sinceI’massuming that you won’t be staying back here.”
“Nota chance in hell!I’mgoing with you assholes to get my girl back!”Igrumble.
“Toldyou he was a hardheaded fuck,”Huntersays with a laugh andIflip him the bird.
“Hekind of reminds me of me whenIwas younger soIhave confidence in his abilities,”Colesays with a chuckle andIpuff my chest out at the compliment.Neverin a million years didIthinkI’dever get a compliment from the guy since he’s almost always serious as hell.Huntersees and laughs before running his mouth again.
“Ofcourse, he does.Youboth are assholes,”Huntersays with a laugh.Hethen looks over at me with a serious expression on his face. “Thelast time you fucked up was the last time you fucked up.Oncewe find my sister and get her to safety, you better be on your best behavior, otherwise, you’ll never see her again.”
“Heardyou the last billion times asshole,”Igrumble at him.
“Justreminding you in case you thoughtIwasn’t serious before.Mysister now has my brother’s,Cole’s, and my resources to back her up.Fuckup again and there’s not a chance in hell you’ll find her.Orwe can just throw you in one of those prisons everyone forgets exists, where all the monsters are,” he smiles wickedly.
“Iget it asshole!Ialready told youIfucking love her and it won’t happen again dickhead!She’smine and there’s no fucking way in hell any of you assholes are taking her away from me!”Isnap.
“Coolit, lover boy.Iwouldn’t be a good brother or brother-in-law ifIdidn’t remind you of what could happen if you fuck with one more hair on her head,” he says smirking at me.Ijust let out a sigh and rest my head back on the chair, looking up at the ceiling.Thisasshole is giving me a damn headache.
Buthonestly,Idon’t blame him one bit.IfIhad a sister and her boyfriend acted the wayIdid…ShitIwould have pounded him into the ground for daring to fuck with her.Knowingwhat he’s capable of as well as his brother andCole,I’mgladI’meven fucking alive right now.
Ican’t wait to get the show on the road sinceIhave a lot of anger to let out andI’msaving it all for those assholes that took her.
We’reall still sittingaround in the living room, talking, and munching on the snacksCole’shousekeeper brought for us as we wait forCarterand the guys to arrive.I’mgetting antsy just sitting here and waiting butIknow it can’t be helped sinceIhave no experience with this type of shit, and the guys all do.
Wehave the assassins, theMafiaboss, and the president of aMCclub withMafiaand assassin ties.
WhendidIcross over to the wrong side of the law?Ohyeah, when they fucked with my girl and took her away from me.
It’sexactly half an hour later whenColewalks back into the room after having stepped out to go check onAddisonand the kids a while ago.Carter,Maxcen,Blaze,Silas,Daemonand the twinsDeclanandCageare all following behind him.There’salso about twenty or so more guys with them.Theroom instantly goes silent as me and my guys wait to see what’s going to happen next since we’re the inexperienced ones here.
Theguys are all wearing tactical gear from head to toe.Blackpants and shirts, bulletproof vests, and combat boots along with helmets to complete the outfit.Theylook like they’re part of a goddamnSWATteam and they might as well be with all the assault and sniper rifles; they’re carrying with them.
Themen they brought with them are all dressed the same.Theylook like they mean business and are ready for a freaking war.WhichIguess is true because that’s what this is.
Carterand the guys all greet everyone as they move to take a seat on the empty chairs left in the room.