Page 40 of Broken Empire

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Page 40 of Broken Empire

“Fuck!I’msorry our dad is a major asshole, bro.Iwasn’t expecting this either.Though,Iguess that maybe a part of me kind of knew he was capable of this shit.Andthat assholeAntoniowas so fucking close to her this whole time whenIwas being a dickhead.Howthe hell didInot see the true evil that he is?AndIfucking paraded her as being mine in front of him so many times.Isthis somehow my fault too?Wasshe taken because of my actions?”Igroan out in pain.Mychest aching at the thought thatImight be the reason he took her as well.

“It’snot your fault.Hewas going to take her regardless of the fact that you claimed her in front of him, since that’s the reason he was inRavenwoodin the first place,”Huntersays, but his words don’t help one bit.NowIjust wishIcould have seen through his mask and maybe then, none of this would be happening.

Amoment later some of the other soldier guys come into the room with more tactical gear in hand.

“Putthese on, all of you.Idon’t need you pretty boys getting shot,”Cartersays as the men hand me and the guys our gear.

“Yeah,Idon’t want you to get shot either, even though it would be fun to watch.Butmy sister would probably kill me ifIlet that happen,”Hunterjokes as we all start to put this shit on.

“Asshole!”Igrumble at him.

“Oh, you know you love me!” he says, smirking at me.

BlazeandSilaswalk over to where the guys andIare standing after we’ve put all the gear on and hands us each a gun that has a silencer on it. “Youguys know how to shoot right?”Silasasks.

“Yes,” the guys all respond.

“Hey, how comeIdon’t get one of the rifles?”Iask with a pout.Hunterjust looks at me and rolls his eyes.

“Haveyou ever used one before?”

“Well, no.”

“Thenthere’s your answer, dickhead.Idon’t need you accidentally shooting one of us or yourself,” he deadpans.

“Iresent that,”Imutter.

“Timeto get this show on the road,”Colesays as he comes back into the room in full gear and an assault rifle strapped to him too.Huh?Ididn’t even notice him leave the room.Wellthat just shows how shit my focus is.

Everyoneinstantly gets to their feet and we all follow behindCole,Carter, and his guys.Myjaw drops a little when we step outside.AboutfifteenSUVsare parked in front of the mansion now and all the men are loading guns and other shit in the trunks.

Itdefinitely looks like we have a small army here with us.Iget into the vehicle withCarterandHunter, while mine andCarter’sbrothers split up with the others.Onceeveryone is in a vehicle, we start to pull off.

Theguys’ men take up position in the front and back of our convoy leaving us all in the middle.Justin case,Iguess since you can never be too sure.Idon’t expect any trouble since no one even knows we’re here.Ormaybe they do if they’ve been watching me.Andwe came withHunter’sjet, so if they were watching, they may already know that we’re here.

Ididn’t want to risk coming with ours and tipping my father off.I’mnot even sure he knew my whereabouts sinceI’vedone everything to hide that from him.NowthatIknow what the asshole did though,Idon’t want to ever see his face again.

Gah!Somany fucking unknown variables.I’mjust hoping that we still have the element of surprise on these motherfuckers.We’reabout fifteen minutes into the drive whenHunterhands me an earpiece.

“Putthis in your ear so that we can communicate and coordinate with everyone else, if necessary,” he tells me andItake it and place it in my ear.


“Commcheck,” he says a second later and one by oneIhear everyone respond with the affirmative that they can hear him.

Theride feels like it’s taking forever, but beforeIknow it, the vehicles split up into four teams and each team is heading in a different direction.


“We’resplitting up so that each team will cover one side of the property.Thatway no one inside will have a chance to escape,”Cartertells me.

“Yeah, okay.Thatmakes sense.”

Amoment later we’re turning onto one of the back roads.It’salready night so the cover of darkness will help us blend in more.Thedriver heads into the woods and onto a beaten path that’s hidden there.

Heshuts his lights off, before slowly driving forward a little more and then stopping.Thevehicle is now hidden a bit by the trees but he still gets out and covers it with some of the branches that he picks up off the ground.

Weget our weapons ready andHunterhands me some night vision goggles and onceIput them on,Ican see better in the dark.Ican also see the mansion up ahead in the distance and my entire body buzzes with anticipation at what’s about to go down.Iknow this will be nothing less than a blood bath.

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