Page 41 of Broken Empire
“Let’sgo!”Carterwhisper shouts and all the guys on our team begin to creep forward, fanning out to cover more space as we begin to jog through the woods and toward the mansion.
Itdoesn’t take long before we get to the back of the mansion, where the entrance is, but we stop right by the tree line and wait.
“Iseveryone in position?”Carterasks and there's a chorus of ‘yeses and we’re in position’ that comes through my earpiece.
“Let’sdo this!”Huntersays, sounding bloodthirsty as hell.
Wemove forward silently.Someof our men already went over the fence and just as we get there ourselves it’s in time to see the guards show up to patrol the property.Iwatch as our guys come up behind them quickly and quietly, grabbing them by the back of their heads and slitting their throats in one swift movement.Holyshit!That’sbadass.
I’mamazed at how seamlessly these guys work together.Oncethe ones outside are taken care of, their bodies being moved so that they aren’t detected, we rush through the gates still conscious of doing it stealthily.Thereare a lot of them out here, more thanIcounted but they’re all taken care of.Oncethe outside is cleared, we make our way to the front door while another team goes to the back.
“Sniperteam are you in position?”Coleasks.
“Yessir,”Ihear them reply one after the other.
“TeamOneandTwoare we ready to go?”Hunterasks, and they all reply as well. “Switchto your rifles and shoot to kill anyone you see but be careful with my sister or you’re all dead.”
“Gotit sir!” comes across the com.
“Stayback for a second,”Cartersays as he throws what looks like a grenade at the front door.Amoment later there’s a huge explosion andIhear a similar one coming from the back.Iguess quiet time is over now and we’re down to business.
Themen storm through the door and we follow along.Gunfirestarts immediately after the guys cleared the front as the assholes start to pop up one by one.
Oncethose are taken care of, we continue to sweep the house looking for more people.There’sno way they don’t know that they’re under attack right now.
Wehear more gunshots echoing throughout the place as we keep moving.Wefinally come to a door andCarterandHunterburst through just as our guys filter in from the other side of it and spread out around the room.
Theyhave their guns trained on the pieces of shit in here.Theroom is filled with old fucking men and almost all of them have their fucking pants down.Thisroom must be soundproof if they didn’t hear all the ruckus.I’minstantly disgusted at the sight of it all.Themen look scared as fuck with all the guns being pointed at them.
Awhimper catches my attention andIlook up to see my baby naked and cuffed to an attachment that’s fixed to the ceiling andI’minstantly fucking pissed at the sight before me.
Theasshole who took her is standing on the stage behind her.He’sa good distance away from her and he’s not moving.NowIcan see it’s becauseColeis behind him with a gun to the back of his head.
Withoutthinking,Irush down the room and toward the stage.Iwalk right up to the asshole and punch him in the face so hardIfeel my knuckles instantly begin to throb.
“Andthat was just the fucking beginning asshole.Betyou didn’t think she’d have an army behind her, did you?Youare going to fucking pay for this!”Igrit through clenched teeth right up in his face before turning my attention toCole. “Makesure you keep him alive.Iwant to be the one to deal with him.”
Henods his head and with thatIrush over toWinter.Isee the key to the cuffs on a nearby table and grab it before quickly opening the cuffs around her wrists.Assoon as they’re open she slumps down, starting to fall because her legs can’t keep her up butIcatch her in time.
Hereyes are closed and as soon as she feels my arms around her, she starts to whimper and thrash around trying to get away from me and my heart fucking breaks at the sight before me.
“Shhbaby.It’sme.I’vegot you!I’vegot you!”Itell her over and over again asIhold on to her tighter.Whenit seems like she finally registers my voice, she stops thrashing for a moment and her eyes open, looking up at me for a second.Onceshe sees that it’s me her entire body goes limp, eyes rolling to the back of her head as she passes out cold in my arms.
Iguess she must realize that she’s safe now and the stress is too much for her.Graysonrushes over to me with a dress and a cardigan in his hands andIquickly dress her before lifting her up in my arms and walk out of the room.
AsImake my way down the aisle,Ilook at all the men around the room and they look scared out of their minds.Irecognize a few as wealthy politicians andI’minstantly disgusted at the sight of them before me.Someare begging for their lives and some are crying.Patheticfucking assholes.Didany of them help her while she was crying up there?No, and they don’t deserve an ounce of my sympathy.
Istop in front ofHunterand he looks down at her in my arms with nothing but pain in his expression.Hebends down and places a kiss on her forehead before standing to his full height again, with an expression so coldIknow he’s going to take great pleasure in killing these assholes.
“Killthem all,”Itell him just to make sure we’re on the same page before walking out of the room with her in my arms.Ionly make it about five steps when the sounds of screams and then gunshots being fired is the only thingIcan hear.
AsImakemy way along the hallway to get out of the house withWinterfirmly clutched in my arms,Ican’t help but notice the number of dead bodies that litter the place.ThoughI’mnot sorry for any of them.Theygot what they fucking deserved andIhope they all burn in hell.
She’sstill passed out cold andI’mkind of glad for that.Idon’t really want her to witness any of the carnage that is happening right now.Hell,Idon’t even want her to see the one that happened earlier, what with all the dead bodiesI’msure are still lying around outside.Ithink she’s seen enough shit already.
JustasImake it out the door,Isee one of the guys driving up toward the house in one of theSUVs.Hestops a few feet away from me and gets out, opening the back door before motioning me over.Imake my way to him and get into the back, being careful withWinter, trying my best not to jostle her too much sinceIdon’t know the extent of her injuries yet.