Page 42 of Broken Empire

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Page 42 of Broken Empire

Hecloses the door behind me and then gets in the driver’s seat once again, asIsit back and make sure she’s set properly in my lap.Icurl my arm around her protectively and hold her to my chest.Justhaving her in my arms feels so good like my soul is intact once again, thoughI’mnot stupid enough to not know that there’s going to be a long road ahead of us.Ijust need to see what her mental state is like when she wakes up.

Ilet out a sigh as the guy reverses theSUV, and then comes to a stop when we’re halfway toward the gate before putting it in park.

“I’llbe back soon, sir.Ihave to help the rest of the guys with clean up,” he tells me andIjust nod my head at him.Amoment later he steps out of the vehicle and jogs back toward the house.

Imake myself comfortable asIsit and wait for the guys to be done.Ilook down at her beautiful face and she looks so peaceful right now, butIknow once she wakes up things will be different.I’mjust not sure how she’s going to react.

Itake my phone out of my pocket and send a quick text to the doctorIhave on standby, to be ready at the plane when we get there which shouldn’t be too long, hopefully.

Wewere supposed to go back toCole’smansion here butIthinkI’drather leave as soon as the guys come back out.Nouse in staying here longer than necessary just in case there’s any blowback.I’msure with a place like this, there’s bound to be some angry people who will be pissed that we fucked up their operation andIdon’t want to be here with her if anyone comes after us.Thoughif they did, it’s a good thing we have a small army here.ButI’drather avoid another showdown for now, one has been enough for today.

Ilook up from looking down at her whenIhear the sound of vehicles.Theguys brought all the vehicles inside the property and they’re all parked in a line next to mine on both sides.

WhenIlook back to the front through the windshield, the other guys are grabbing the bodies that are lying around the grounds and taking them inside the mansion.Iwonder what the hell they’re going to do with them.

Idon’t have to wonder long because some of the guys that were by the vehicles here, start taking out gas cans from the backs of all theSUVsbefore making their way back toward the house.Someof them go inside while the others start going around the house pouring the gasoline out as they go.

Aboutten minutes later the guys all come out of the mansion one by one, making their way toward the vehicles.ColeandHunterare dragging a tied up and gaggedAntoniobehind them.Ican’t fucking wait to get my hands on himIthink asIwatch him literally being dragged.

Amoment later there’s an explosion coming from the upper floor of the mansion andIwatch as the glass shatters, exploding outward and raining down on the ground outside.Evenfrom here in theSUV,Ican see the flames of the fire blazing away up there.

Oneof the guys light the trail they made with the gasoline and it instantly begins to run around the house as fire engulfs the place from the inside and outside.Theguys all walk toward my vehicle while their men get into the otherSUVs.

“Whatare you doing now?”Coleasks as he opens the back door and stands there watching me.

“We’regoing straight to the airport.Idon’t want to be here with her in case there’s any sort of blowback,”Itell him and he nods his head.

“I’llsee you then.Hopefully, next time will be under different circumstances so stay out of trouble.Myguys will escort you to the airport to make sure you get there without any issues,” he says andInod my head.

“Seeyou man, and thanks for all your help.Iappreciate it.”

“Areyou guys staying withCole?”HunterasksCarter.

“Yeah.We’llleave in the morning.Goget our sister to safety and make sure this knucklehead doesn’t fuck up again,”Cartersays, looking at me andIroll my eyes at him.

Afterthat everyone gets into their vehicles and we’re off.I’mstarting to get a little worried aboutWintersince she still hasn’t made a peep since she passed out inside the mansion.

Theride to the airport is uneventful, thankfully.Oncewe pull up to the plane,Iget out of the vehicle with her still in my arms.

“Willyou guys stay out here for a few minutes to keep watch until the doctor looks her over?”Iask the men.

“Yes, sir,” one of them says.

JustthenIsee the doctor step out of his car and start to make his way over to us.Imake my way up the stairs of the plane and head all the way to the back where the room is, gently laying her down onto the bed.Igrab the sheet and pull it over her, covering her body from the waist down before walking back to the door and opening it to let the doctor in.

“Hellodoctor,Iappreciate you coming,”Itell him.

“Noproblem.WhatcanIdo for you?” he questions.

“Ijust need you to look her over and make sure she’s fine.She’sbeen passed out for a while,”Itell him.

“Letme get right to it then,” he says as he puts his medical bag on the bed before opening it to get a stethoscope and one of those little flashlight things.Hethen moves over to the side of the bed where she is and he presses the stethoscope to her chest to listen to her heartbeat. “Whathappened to her?”

“Shewas abducted and we just got her back,”Itell him.Thisis one ofHunter’svetted doctors soI’mnot worried about him saying shit to anyone else.Hegets to work by checking her blood pressure, temperature, pulse, and respiration before shining a light in her eyes for a second.Thenext thing he does is give her body a once over to make sure there are no extensive injuries.

Herleg is bleeding from the gunshot wound there.Heexamines it and then cleans it up before taking out some sutures from his bag to stitch up the little hole in her leg.

“I’mstitching this up because the bullet is not in there so it’s clean,” he tells me.

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