Page 43 of Broken Empire

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Page 43 of Broken Empire

“That’sgood news.”Itell him.Hecontinues doing what he’s doing and a few minutes later he’s done.

“Iknow you want to get out of here soon soI’vedone all thatIcan with the limited materialsIhad.She’sstable for now butI’dget an entire medical done as soon as possible to check for other injuries.I’llstart a saline drip for her, that’ll help until you get to where you’re going.”

“Don’tworry doc,Ialready have one on standby as soon as we land.”

“Good.Well,I’llbe going now.Thereisn’t anything moreIcan do until she’s seen at an actual facility with proper medical equipment,” he tells me.

“Thankyou for coming doc,”Itell him, before he takes his leave.


Oncehe’s out of the roomHunterwalks in.

“Howis she?” he asks quietly.Thisis the first timeI’veever heard him sound this soft.He’sdefinitely as worried about her asIam.

“Accordingto the doc, stable for now but she needs a full examination since he was pretty limited here.Don’tworry thoughIhave that lined up already.Physicallyher wounds will heal after some time but well, when she wakes up, who the hell knows?Everythingshe went through will most likely take a toll on her mentally.”

“She’sstrong as fuck.We’llhelp her get through this.” he tells me.

“Ihope you’re right.”

Justthen the pilot’s voice comes over the speaker telling us that we’re about to take off.

“I’llsee you in a bit,” he tells me before walking out the door and closing it behind him.

Iget in the bed with her and pull her into my arms to keep her from falling off, asIfeel the plane begin to move.Whenwe’ve made it to cruising altitude,Ilay her back down on the bed and head into the bathroom.

Igrab one of the little bowls and fill it with water and grab a towel before heading back into the room to clean her up a bit.I’llhave to just do something quick for now and once we get to the cabin, thenI’llbe able to wash her better.

Itake my time cleaning her up, gently wiping her skin.Icatalog all of her obvious injuries.Thecuts and black and blue bruises andIhave to choke back the sob that threatens to consume me andItake in everything that piece of shit did to my baby.

Ihave to really hold it on whenIget between her legs and see the dried-up sperm there.Iknow for a fact that the asshole raped her and for thatI’mgoing to fucking kill his ass!Notonly because he touched what’s mine but becauseIcan’t imagine the pain and suffering, she went through while he was violating her.


Thismeans we’ll definitely have more to deal with than just her physical scars.Ijust hope that we can help her pull through anything that this experience has done to her psychologically, becauseIcan’t lose her again.

Onceshe’s as clean as she can beIget a dress from the closet and quickly dress her again.Iput her in the center of the bed and cover her body once more before stepping out of the room.

“Howis she?”Hunteris the first one to ask, asImake my way over to where he’s sitting.

“Shestill hasn’t woken up yet.Thatfucking asshole raped her!”Igrit through clenched teeth.Withthe rage coursing through meI’dfucking kill him right now if he wasn’t in a cage in the cargo area underneath the plane.

“Don’tworry bro, we’re going to fuck his shit up soon enough,”Huntertells me with a gleam in his eye.

“Youcan do whatever the fuck you want to him but make sure you don’t kill him.Thekilling blow is mine,”Itell him in all seriousness.

“Yougot it man.”

“Ineed you guys to go back home and keep an eye on my father andEmilia,”Itell the guys. “Idon’t want them to know that we found her.”

“I’mstaying with you andWinter,”Graysonsays.Ilook at him and see the determined expression on his face and don’t even bother arguing with him.Ijust nod to let him know it’s fine.Iknow him andWinterwere close before all this other shit happened and maybe him being there for her might help.Whoknows?

“Whatdo you want us to look for?”Royceasks.

“Anyand everything he does.Whohe meets with?Seeif you guys can get someone to dig up shit on him.Ihave to take care of her first butI’mgoing to fucking bury his ass whenIget back home,”Imutter.

“Yougot it bro,”Becksays.

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