Page 44 of Broken Empire

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Page 44 of Broken Empire

Whenwe finally land inOregon, we deplane and head to anotherSUV.It’sjustHunter,Grayson, andI, along withWinter, heading to the cabin along with some ofHunter’smen for security purposes.

Hunteris pretty sure that no one knows about this place but you can never be too careful.Plus, the room full of weapons that he owns doesn’t hurt either.We’llbe able to defend ourselves if need be.

Ittakes an hour to drive to the cabin since it’s literally in the middle of the woods.Themen get out to check the surrounding area and inside all the cabins.Oncethey say it’s clearIget out of the car and walk toward the cabin with her and head straight for the master bedroom.

Igently lay her down on the bed and then step out of the room, making my way to the living room.Hunterand my brother are sitting on the couch with a drink in their hands, not doing or saying anything.

“Areyou two, okay?”Iask into the silent room.


“Youthink she’s going to be, okay?”Grayasks.

“Idon’t know butI’llmake sure that she is,”Itell him honestly.

“Thedoctor will be here in ten minutes or so,”Huntsays a moment later.Inod my head and take a seat on the chair next toGrayas we all fall into another round of silence.Iguess we all have shit on our minds.

Afew minutes later there’s a knock on the cabin door andHunterdraws his gun out before making his way to the front of the cabin.Hepeeks outside and then puts his gun away in his holster before opening the door.

“Goodevening, sir,” the doctor says as he steps inside the cabin.

“Hellodoc.Gladyou could make it.Ifyou’ll follow me,”Huntsays as he walks back to the living room.Hemakes the introductions and then leaves the man with me sinceIwon’t be leaving her side and he knows that. “I’llleave you and the doc to it sinceIdon’t want to see my sister in any state of undress.”

Inod my head, knowing what he means.IfIhad a sister,Idefinitely wouldn’t want to be in the room while she was being checked out by a doctor either.

Iwalk back toward the bedroom with the doc following behind me.Aswe enter,Iturn the lights on to a soft glow, since it’s still dark.It’searly morning now and the sun will be up in about two hours or so.Mygirl doesn’t even stir from the light now filtering into the room.

“Thereare some lacerations on her back and body.Canyou check those?Andshe was also um… she was raped as well.Canyou check to make sure that there isn’t any sort of damage to her,”Imanage to choke out.

“Sure.I’mgoing to give her a full assessment.Actually, would you mind taking her to the medical room?I’llbe able to assess her better there,”

“Surething,Doc,”Isay asIpick her up.Iwalk out of the room and down the hall toHunter’sstate-of-the-art medical room.Thereare all sorts of different equipment in here.Assoon asIlay her on the table the doctor quickly gets to work hooking her up to the heart monitor, the one for her pressure and whatever the hell elseHunterhas in here.

It’slike a damn hospital room in here with everything inside.Noneed to ask him why he needs all this.Iguess when you’re always doing dangerous shit, you’d need one of those.ThoughI’mglad he has them because they definitely came in handy sinceIdidn’t want to take her to an actual hospital.

Hechecks everything and thenIhave to help him get her clothes off.Hetakes a look at all of her injuries and dresses them, before bandaging the more severe ones.Ialso make him check back the bullet wound on her leg just to be sure becauseIdon’t want her to catch any kind of infection.Heinforms me that it looks good and the suture was done perfectly.

I’mgoing to count every cut and bruise, to make sureIinflict every single one of them on that asshole.Bythe timeI’mdone with him, he’ll wish he never took her.Matterof fact he’ll wish he never existed.Oncethe doc is done with that, he checks her private area.

“Yes.Shewas raped but it doesn’t look like there’s any significant damage, just some bruising and slight tearing.She’llstill be a little sore when she wakes up.She’llbe fine in no time though if she takes it easy and lets herself heal,” the doc says.

Idoubt that since the psychological effect is a different story.Oncehe’s done with everything,Idress her in one of her sleep dresses again before taking her back to the room.Thedoc follows me and whenIplace her on the bed again, he sets up anotherIVbag for her.

“Thiswill help with the dehydration.FromwhatIcan tell there are no internal injuries but we don’t know what her psychological profile will be like once she wakes up.Everyonereacts and deals with heavy trauma differently so,I’dget a therapist for her as soon as possible, just so she can navigate through everything that happened to her better,” he tells me.

“Thanks,Doc.I’llsee you when she wakes up so you can check on her again.”

Henods his head before walking out the door and closing it behind him.Itake a quick shower and onceI’mdone,Iwalk back out to the living room to seeHuntandGraybefore going to bed.

“Howis she?” they both ask at the same time.

“Therewere a lot of cuts and bruises around her body and the doctor cleaned and bandaged them up.She’sblack and blue on some parts of her body.Wewon’t know much more until she wakes up to see how she reacts.Thedoc did suggest a therapist as soon as possible though.”

“Don’tworry we’ll make sure she gets all the care that she needs,”Huntertells me with conviction in his voice.

“I’mwith you on that.I’mgoing to go in and stay with her,”Itell them asIwalk back into the room and turn the lights off before getting in the bed with her.Igently pull her into my arms, wrapping one around her waist while being careful with theIVin her arm and snuggle against her asIlisten to her breathing.

Ishut my eyes, finally feeling the peaceIwas missing since she was gone.Nowthat she’s back where she belongs,Ican finally relax a bit and not be so stressed all the time.EventhoughIknow we still have to deal withEmiliaand my dad,I’mleaving all that shit for now.

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