Page 50 of Broken Empire
“Isshe alright?”
“Shewas by the timeIput her to bed.”
“Ireally hope we can all help her get through this,”Huntertells me as he walks back over to the table with three plates in his hands.
“Ihope so too and thank you.Isthere extra for her or doIneed to make more?”Iask as we all dig into our food.
“Whatkind of brother do you take me for?Ofcourse, there’s more than enough for her too,”
“SorryIdidn’t mean to ruffle your feathers,”Ilaugh.
“Howdo we proceed with things when she wakes up?”Grayasks.
“Um…I’dsay just stay out of her way until we see what she’ll do,Iguess.Shecould be completely calm or she could want to kill us, anything between those two.Wellnot us two per se,”Huntersays pointing toGrayand himself. “ButdefinitelyMason.”
“Geethanks asshole.”
“Well, she is a total wildcard right now soIdon’t know.I’mhoping my fabulous presence here will keep her calm so she won’t want to kill your ass.”
“I’mhighly offended by that.Sheloves me so she won’t want to kill me,”Itell them and they both let out a snort at my words.
“Oh, you poor delusional sap,”Graysays, laughing it up right now.
“Sorry, bro.Idon’t mean to laugh but it’s just funny.She’slikely to want to stab you in the balls or worse, rather than be calm with you.Imean you did make her life a living hell and all that,”Huntersays with a smirk on his face.
“GeezIget it.Andby the way, you two are assholes!IknowIstill have a lot to do to make it all up to her, so if you two can refrain from being dickheads that’d be great!”
“Awwdon’t pout.I’mjust giving it to you straight,”Huntersays, trying really hard to hide his stupid smirk.
“Ihate you, asshole!”
“Pfft!Youwish you did!Youlove me and this weird and ridiculous bromance that we have going on,” he laughs.
“Well,Ican’t argue with that.You’vegrown on me like some kind of rashIcan’t get rid of.”Ismirk.
“Iresent that asshole.”
“Nowback to business.Canyou get the doc to come back and check her out later today once she’s awake and settled?”Iquestion.
“Alreadycalled him.He’llbe here sometime after lunch,” he tells me andInod my head.
“Noproblem.Justlooking out for my sis.”
Oncewe all finish eating our breakfast,Iget up to make another plate, as well as juice and take it in to her.Iquietly step into the room again and whenIglance at the bed,Isee that she’s not there.
Myheart instantly begins to race, beforeIrealize that all the doors and windows are locked.Ididn’t hear the door to the room being opened while we were in the kitchen either.Imight have been talking and joking with the guys, butIstill had my ears trained for any movement coming from the door to her room.Itake a deep calming breath and then walk over to the bed to place the food on the nightstand.
RightafterIput it down,Ihear whimpering coming from the bathroom andIrush toward the sound.WhenIstep inside the bathroom,Icome to a complete stop.Thesight before me breaks my fucking heart.She’slying on the cold tiles in a fetal position, naked, and clutching at her head as her whole body shakes.Iwalk over to her and drop to my knees next to her and gently pull her up and cradle her in my arms.
“What’sbothering you baby?Areyou hurt?”Iquestion but she doesn’t even respond.Shedoesn’t even look like she’s here with me at the moment.
“Nooo!”Shescreams as she tries to buck out of my hold. “Don’thurt me!Pleasedon’t hurt me!”
Fuck!Iquickly change her position so that we’re both upright andIpull her back against my chest.She’snow sitting between my spread legs andIhave one arm around her stomach and the other just above her breastbone.Irock us back and forth a little, trying to calm her down.
“Baby!Shhh…I’mnot going to hurt you.Noone is going to hurt you.Lookat me!”Itell her asIuse one hand to grab her jaw and turn her to look at me.Hereyes are unfocused andIknow that she’s somewhere in her head right now. “You’resafe baby, you’re safe.”