Page 49 of Broken Empire
“Iwant you to fucking quit this shit,” he growls at me when he gets to whereInicked earlier.Fuck, with all that just happened in the last few minutes between us,Iforgot thatIeven did it again.
“You’renot the boss of me!”Igrumble, just to pick a fight because he’s being all nice, sweet, and getting too close.
“Youbeing locked away in my bedroom is sounding better and better by the second,” he growls.
“You… you… you wouldn’t dare, asshole!”
“Keeptesting me and you’ll see for yourself.”
“Dickhead!”Imutter as he lifts me in his arms and takes me back into the room.Heputs me down on the bed as he grabs a sleep shirt for me.Heputs it on and gently pushes me to lie back down again.Suddenlyfeeling so exhausted,Idon’t even fight him.
Heputs on another pair of sweatpants before getting back into bed with me.Hepulls me into his arms and cuddles me to his chest.Iclose my eyes and it’s not long beforeIfall asleep again.IguessI’lljust have to break up with him whenIwake up…
Bythe timeIwake up the room is bathed in sunlight, sinceIforgot to shut the blinds last night before we finally settled in to sleep.Itlooks to be well into the morning now.Ilet out a yawn, even thoughIdidn’t get a lot of sleep last nightIfeel more well rested thanIhave in days andIknow it’s because she’s back where she belongs.
I’mnot quite sure what the hell happened between us last night.Itwas too much too soon, with no time to process and nowIhave no idea what her mood will be like today.I’mpretty sure she’ll be back to giving me hell in no time.
Ihate seeing her in any kind of pain and finding her falling apart in the bathroom definitely fucked with me a little.NowI’mworried that what she pushed for us to do will affect her somehow.
Ididn’t plan to have sex with her last night and not becauseIdidn’t want to.I’llalways want her, but it was because of everything she went through in the last few days.Andas usualIcouldn’t resist when it came to her.Iguess she’ll always have me wrapped around her little finger.
Butmy girl looked so sad and hurt, so broken, when she asked me ifIdidn’t want her anymore because he touched her.Ijust couldn’t go on letting her think that shit, since she was so fucking wrong.Iknow that asshole raped her, butIwould never hold that against her.Noneof what happened was her fault and nowIjust have to make her believe that.Iwas only thinking of her mental state.Ihope she knows thatI’llalways want her, since she’s mine.
Idon’t want her to hurt any more than she’s already hurting.Iwant to do everything that’s in her best interest so thatIcan help her get through this.Butas usual, my girl is determined to put me through hell.NotthatIstill don’t deserve it…
Sothat’s howIended up doing what she wanted, even thoughIdidn’t want to.NotthatIdidn’t enjoy it still.Imean being with your girl after days without… who wouldn’t enjoy it?Itfelt fucking amazing after not having her for so long.
Ilook down at her sleeping form in my arms and bend my head to place a kiss to her forehead.She’ssound asleep and she looks so peaceful, butIknow that probably won’t be the case when she wakes up.Ihave a feeling thatI’llneed to prepare for a war with her or some shit like that.
Truthis,Idon’t know what the hell to expect from her when she wakes up and that definitely has me on edge.Themain thingI’mworried about is where her head will be at.Lettingout a sigh,Idecide to just deal with any issues if they arise.So,Istop myself from worrying so much.
Tokeep myself busy,Ithink about getting up and making breakfast for her.She’llno doubt be hungry after that ordeal last night and then sleeping for so many hours.Sheneeds to get her strength back, after the war her body has been put through.She’sgotten so skinny andIdon’t like that one bit.Ineed to build her back up and that is exactly whatI’mgoing to focus on.
Islowly move my arm from around her and gently place her head on a pillow, before pulling away from her warmth and silently slipping out of the bed.Imake sure she’s covered, placing another kiss on her forehead and then slip out of the room.
Ihead for the kitchen and whenIstep into the room,Isee thatHunterandGraysonare already in there.Hunteris making breakfast, while my brother is sitting at the table.
“Goodmorning,”Isay to them both.
“Goodmorning, bro,”Grayreplies.
“Youlook like shit,”Huntersays when he turns around to look at me.
“Yeah, well it wasn’t exactly an easy night asshole,”Igrumble.
“You’reright.Iguess anyone would look like shit after they went on their first murder spree.ThoughIdidn’t think you’d end up loving it that much,” he says jokingly, trying to lighten the mood.
“Yeah, well those assholes deserved it andI’ddo it again and again ifIhad to.Forher…”Imutter.
“Calmdown champ.Wehave her now and that’s all that matters.We’lldeal with shit as it comes from here on out.Now, how is my sis doing?” he asks as he places a cup of coffee in front of me.Igive him a grateful smile because this is exactly whatIneed at the moment.
“I’mnot exactly sure.Imean she’s fine now that she’s asleep, but she kind of had an episode last night andIhave no idea how she’ll react when she wakes up.”
“Whatkind of episode?” he asks worriedly.
“Iguess it was all getting to her and she cut herself a little, butIgot to her before she could really hurt herself,”Isay hurriedly when it looks like he’s about to jump out of his seat to get to her.