Page 48 of Broken Empire
Nothingtoo hard or too rough thatIcouldn’t handle but just enough thatIknow he meant business.Thatbusiness being taking some of his anger out on my pussy.
“Areyou trying to blame me for everything that happened?”Isnap at him.
“Iwould never blame you because none of what happened was ever your fault!AllI’msaying is that if you were by my side at all times, like you were supposed to be then he wouldn’t have had the opportunity to take you,” he growls.
“Hewould have found a way to take me no matter what, because that’s what he was paid to do.Thoughyou should know your father gave him instructions not to harm you in any way.ButIhave a feeling that maybe he would have ignored that because he really does hate you.Hethinks that if you weren’t in the picture, thenIwould have chosen him.He’sa psycho andImight still hate you butIdon’t want to see you hurt or dead,”Imutter.
“Youdon’t hate me, baby.Ifyou did, then you wouldn’t be creaming or clenching on my cock right now,” he says with a smirk on his pretty ass face.
“Well,I’myour asshole so you’ll just have to deal.Idon’t care ifIhave to die for you baby,Iwill.I’ddo anything for you andIhave.Butyou constantly putting yourself in harm's way is stopping now.Howthe fuck do you thinkI’dfeel if he had killed you?Doyou thinkI’dbe able to live without you?” he growls with such intensity at me. “Andwhile we’re on the topic what do you mean he said you would have chosen him?Doesthat asshole think he has any claim on you?”
“Idon’t knowI’mpretty sure you’d be fucking fine.Imean you went all that time without me and you even had the audacity to fuck another bitch!”Isnap at him and nowI’mmad as fuck.Iplace my hand on his back and scrape my nails down the entire length. “Andyes, he saidIintrigued him and that’s why he didn’t kill me when he was supposed to from the beginning.”
“Fuck!I’mgoing to murder his dumbass for thinking he could claim my girl,” he hisses before pulling back his hips and pushing into me a bit roughly, causing me to groan out loud.Heslams his lips down onto mine too and gives me a harsh and brutal kiss before pulling away and looking down at me again. “Iwas dying inside the whole fucking timeIwas away from you butIwas also so fucking angry.Ican’t change any of that shit now but likeIpromised,Iwill make it up to you.Besides, it's not like you were ever far from me.”
“Whatdo you mean by that?”Iquestion.
“Ihad someone on you while you were inLondongiving me weekly updates.Nothingpersonal becauseIwas still mad but just to let me know that you were alive and safe.Thenwhen you came back and moved into the mansion,Ihad cameras in your room and thenIalso had some in the apartment beforeImoved myself in there with you,” he says with a smirk on his face, not at all ashamed of what he just admitted.
“Whatthe fucking fuck?Youknow you’re crazy and let’s not forget a fucking creep right!”Isnap at him.
“Don’tcare what you call me.You’remine baby girl andI’lldo whatever it takes when it comes to you.Every.Single.Time.”
“Sowhat?You’vejust been watching me all that time?”
“So, you saw me breaking the fuck down so many times and you were just watching?”Iask and he looks ashamed for a second before answering.
“BelievemeIwanted to do nothing more than to take all the pain away butIwas still in my asshole stage and for thatIwill always be sorry.”
“Ifucking hate you!”Iyell at him as tears start spilling down my face.
“Ilove you;Ilove you;Ilove you…” he starts whispering as he starts to thrust inside me again since he stopped a while ago.Hegrinds his hips into mine andIlet out a moan because it feels good and he’s distracting me from being mad.
“Fuckyour pussy feels so good baby.I’vemissed feeling you clench your tight little hole around my cock so hard like you want to milk all my cum so it fills your cunt to the brim,” he groans.
“Ihate you!”Isnap even though his words stroke the flame currently building inside me.
“Shhh.Don’tthink of any of that for now.Justenjoy us being together again.Iwon’t let anything else come between us.Noteven you.You’remy other half andI’mnever letting you go again.”
“WhatifIdon’t want this anymore?WhatifIdon’t want you anymore?”
“Don’tlie to yourself.Welove each other too much to be apart any longer.”
“WhatifIdon’t love you anymore…”Istart but trail off when he really starts to fuck me.I’mguessing he’s mad now because he’s pounding my pussy for all he’s worth. he feel of his cock sliding in and out of my soaked pussy is so much, too much.EverythingIwanted and missed whileIwas in the hands of that psycho.
I’mso fucking torn right now.Tornbetween wanting to keep him and wanting to let go of him.Thememories start to flash in my mind and it’s hard to push them away soIcan enjoy this moment again.
Idon’t want to be afraid of sex because of that asshole, since that would meanI’mletting him win.Idon’t ever want him to fucking win.That’sthe only reason whyI’mhaving sex withMasonright now.IguessIneed him to take the demons away, at least for a little while.
Ifeel my orgasm building and a moment laterI’mwhimpering asIflood his cock with my juices.Helets out a groan and starts to thrust harder and faster for a few seconds before he comes to a stop with his cock all the way inside me andIfeel the warmth of his cum as it starts to pulse inside me.
Ilet out a groan at the feel of it.We’reboth panting hard as he pulls back and looks at me. “Youalways look so fucking beautiful when you’re coming on my cock.”
Whenwe finally manage to catch our breaths, he lifts me up into his arms, holding me likeI’mmade of glass butIknow it’s because of all my injuries as he takes me into the bathroom to clean me up.Heholds me to him as he begins to wash me, making sure to be as gentle as he can.Whenwe’re done, he walks me out of the shower and puts me to sit on the counter as he dries me off.Afterhe’s done, he tends to all my injuries once again, making sure they’re clean and bandaged.