Page 47 of Broken Empire
Ijust don’t see him loving me anymore, not after all the pain and heartache we’ve thrown at one another even if he says otherwise.Hell,Idon’t even fucking know howIfeel anymore.Ifthis is the end for us, thenI’mselfish enough to take being with him one last time.Iwould rather have this memory to hold on to as my last sexual experience than haveAntonio’s.
Thememory of everything thatAntoniodid to me feels like a fucking disease that’s taking me over andIcan’t do anything to get rid of it.I’mtrying to stay in the moment but it’s so hard and a moment later silent tears are slipping down my cheeks.Hepulls away from our kiss to look at me and there’s an uncertain expression on his face for a moment.
“Areyou okay baby?Ifthis is too much for you, we can stop.Youdon’t need to put yourself through this.I’mgoing to be by your side for the rest of our lives,” he says as he wipes my tears away.
“No.I’mfine.Iwant to keep going.Please,Ineed this.”
“Ilove you so much baby.I’mgoing to make sure nothing else ever happens to you from here on out.Butplease make my job easy this time by not disobeying me.I’malso going to make sure you get the right kind of help andI’llbe here every step of the way until you recover.Andif you think you’re going to push me away, then think again becauseI’mnot going anywhere.”
“Don’teven try to lie.Iknow you andIcan already see it in your eyes butI’mtelling you againI’mnot going anywhere.I’mnever going to leave you alone.I’llmake sureIget us back to a good place.”
Canhe read minds or some shit?
Ijust kiss him again to shut him up and soIdon’t have to answer.Helightly trails his hand up and down my side, tingles spreading through my body at his touch.It’sso tender,Ihave to fight not to get choked up again.
Amoment later he pushes me back so he can look at my body.Iinstantly try to cover myself to hide the marks and bruises from him.NotthatIreally can, with how many are on my body but he pulls my hand away.
“I’veseen them all already andIdon’t love you any less so please don’t hide from me.You’refucking exquisite and just remember you survived this when so many others probably didn’t andI’mso fucking proud of you for that,” he tells me before leaning down and placing small kisses on the cuts and bruises that he can reach.Ishiver at his show of affection, or maybe it’s just from being cold now.
“You’rebeautiful,” he whispers. “You’remine.”
Heswitches between those two phrases as he keeps chanting them after every kiss he places on my body.Itmakes me want to melt for him all over again butIknow thatIcan’t.Ihave to be brave enough to leave him and set him free from the mess that is currently me.Ihave to remember that this is the last time for us because after this, there’s no moreMasonandWinter…
IfIhad known all of this would happen between us, wouldIhave still loved him?Isigh into his lips as he kisses mine again.Theanswer is yes.I’dstill be with him because when it was good, it was so fucking good.Ifelt like the luckiest girl in the world to be loved by him.
Withhim,Ididn’t care about anything else.Ididn’t care about not being loved by the womanIthought was my mother because whenIhad him it felt likeIhad all the loveI’dever need.AndnowIhave to give him up…
“Areyou okay with what we’re doing so far?”
“Yeah,”Iwhisper. “Ineed more of your touch.”
Withthat he holds me tight before getting up with me in his arms.Hegrabs a towel before heading out of the bathroom and into the room.Heplaces me gently onto the bed as he gets to work drying my skin.Afterthat he walks away again and comes back with someBand-Aidsand placing them on the cutsImade earlier.AtleastIdidn’t do much damage and they are just tiny slices.Healso changes the bandages on my leg sinceIgot the other one wet.
Oncehe’s done, he looks at me from head to toe with a smoldering expression on his face for a minute whileIstart to squirm in place.Iwatch with lust in my gaze as he strips off his pants and boxers, leaving him naked before me.Chiseledto perfection as always.
“Spreadthose legs a little for me baby,” he growls andIdo as he says, being cautious with how muchIspread them sinceIhave a bullet wound there and all.Amoment later he’s on the bed and covering my entire body with his being careful with said wound.
Hekisses my lips before moving onto my neck.Hesucks the skin there, leaving a hickey no doubt before moving down my body, placing little kisses as he goes.Imoan out loud from the feelings he’s invoking in me.
I’malready wet and leaking by the timeMasonfinally reaches my pussy.Hewastes no time as he uses his fingers to pull my lips apart, spreading them open before he’s clamping his mouth down on me.Helicks and sucks up and down between my slit andIlet out a moan at the pleasure that’s starting to consume me.
Amoment later he maneuvers his arms around my hips being careful with my leg again as he grips onto my ass cheeks and lifts me up a little so that his mouth can devour me.Hesucks my pussy hard like he wants to drain me of all my juices and a scream rips out of me asIcome in his mouth, gasping, and panting for breath as he drinks all my juices down.
Whenhe’s done drinking his fill, he sits up on his knees and starts to stroke his cock with his eyes on mine thoughIhave to look away because of the compulsion to look at what he’s doing instead.
Amoment later, he covers my body with his again and then he takes his cock and brings it to the entrance of my pussy.Herubs the head up and down my slit a few times before bringing it to my hole.
“Ilove you,” he whispers before he pushes the head of his cock inside me and we both let out a groan.Itfeels so good to have him inside me again.It’sonly been a little over a week since we last had sex but that feels like forever ago now.
Ifeel memories of what happened withAntoniowant to come to the surface butIpush them away, wellItry to.Idon’t want him to taint whatever this is that’s going on withMasonandIright now and it takes monumental effort to do so.
Hepushes until he’s balls deep inside me and then he pulls out and slides in again creating a delicious friction inside me.Hisbig cock is stretching my pussy out so good and as usual, the feeling of being so full of him is intoxicating.I’mstill sore from previous… anywayIwelcome it because at leastIcan think ofMasonmaking me sore compared to someone else.
Heraises up a little so that just our hips are joined together.Hegrips the back of my neck to keep my head in place and now we’re staring at each other, all the while his cock is still moving in and out of me.
“Fuck!I’vemissed you and my pussy!Itfeels so good being inside you again baby.You’renever leaving my sight again.Andno more running away from me orIswear toGodI’mlocking you up in a room until the day you die!Itold you about going out on your own and you still decided to run and look at what the fuck happened!Whenare you going to stop disobeying me?” he growls and with his every word he starts to thrust a little harder and a little deeper inside me.