Page 54 of Broken Empire
“Notdrink yourself to death?”
“Wouldyou fuck off?!Youdon’t see me going around telling you to stop killing people with your murdering ass, do you?”
“You’rea part of the club now, so…”
“Well, just shut the fuck up and let me self-destruct howIwant to, why don’t you?”
Hejust lets out a long sigh, like he’s tired of my shit and well,Ican’t really blame him.I’vebeen in a pissy mood since she told me that she didn’t love me anymore and wanted to break up with me.Yeahright.Likethat’s ever going to happen.
Ican’t come to terms with the fact that she doesn’t want me anymore andIhave to say,I’mnot doing so well.Itliterally feels like a piece of my soul died and, trust me, whenIsay that,I’mnot being dramatic.Thatis exactly what it feels like.IguessIfinally know what she felt whenIwas constantly telling her thatIdidn’t want her…
Thatthought brings tears to my eyes because if it hurts me this much, thenIcan imagine just how much pain she was in.Damn,Ireally am a fucking asshole.
NowIwant to smash everything in sight to pieces, just to calm all the rage and hurt inside me.Forthe past two days whenI’mnot drinking myself into oblivion,I’vebeen having fun with that bastardAntonio.
Thingswould have been fine between us if it wasn’t for that bastard andDaddyfucking dearest.Iwas so close to getting her to forgive me and now she doesn’t even want to see me.Allmy progress ruined because the asshole took what was mine.
“Nodickhead!I’mnot going to let that happen.Asmuch asIwant to say you deserve this,Iknow you’ve been trying.Justhold on and don’t give up.Maybeshe’ll come around…” he tells me, sounding hopeful.Well, at least one of us has hope.
“Man, you fucking saw her face.Shewas dead serious, which the past two days from hell can attest to.Shehasn’t spoken to me or even looked at me.”
“Justgive her more time is allIcan say.”
“Whatother fucking choice doIhaveHunter?”
“None,” he smirks.Ibet the asshole is enjoying my pain right now.
“Butagain, you should stop before you get your ass killed and thenI’llhave her crazy ass to deal with,” he jokes.
“Nope.Nocan do.Thisbottle has been my best friend, since she prefers my brother’s company and yours, compared to mine.Andthis is the only way that will make me not want to smash his face in.Ineed to keep myself numb from all the pain,”Igrumble.
Hunterwatches me asIpick up my phone from the floor and watchGraysonsitting up in the bed with his back against the headboard and he has my girl in his arms, as she sleeps.Igrind my teeth together to try and push the anger away, but it’s difficult.
Iknow he’s just helping her and keeping her calm so she doesn’t freak out but it’s killing me to watch that she prefers his company to mine.Ifeel like she punched a big hole in my chest with that move.
Heknows about the cameras in her room, but surprisingly he hasn’t said a word about it.Maybehe knowsI’llgo off the rails if he said anything at all.
Theirrational amount of jealousyI’mfeeling is unreal.Iwant to smash my brother’s goddamn face in for cuddling up with my girl.Theonly reasonI’mnot doing that is because deep downIknow that nothing is going on with them and she needs someone by her side, since she doesn’t want me to be the one there.
Forsome reason she andGraysonare friends again and that shit hurts and is tearing me up inside.Howcome she forgave him and not me?Great, nowI’mjealous of my own brother.Thingsreally are fucked up right now.
Ihaven’t said a word to either of them on howIfeel about their closeness becauseIknow she needs a friend more than anything right now.Ishould be the one next to her offering her comfort.ButIneed to put my feelings aside and do what’s best for her, even ifIhate it.
Whenthe fuck did life get this complicated?
IwishIcould go back to the days when things were good between us, when we didn’t have to worry about all this bullshit that’s separating us.
Myfather andEmiliaare the cause of all this shit.Theystarted the whole domino effect that came crashing down on us.Thebloodlust that consumes me whenIthink about them is overwhelming andIcan’t wait to deal with them.It’seither going to be prison orIwill kill them.Thenagain, prison is too good for them because they both deserve to fucking die.He’stried contacting bothGraysonandIbut we’ve ignored all his calls.Infact we just blocked his ass.
“Wantto go have some fun to take your mind off of things?”
“Whatdid you have in mind?”
“Ican go watch you beat the shit out of that asshole again.You’redrunk off your ass soIcan’t let you go in there alone, but maybe you can blow off some steam,” he says grinning at me.