Page 55 of Broken Empire
“Let’sfucking go then,”Imumble, wobbling a little asItry to get to my feet.I’mthinkingIreally have fucking hit rock bottom.
Hunterwalks behind me as we make our way down to the basement.Assoon as we step into the room,IseeAntonioright whereIleft him the last timeIwas done with him.
He’son a circle platform that’s about an inch or two off the ground.Thereare two wooden posts connected to the platform with him in the middle.
Hisarms are tied to the top of them.Whichsuspends his arms in the air, forcing him into a kneeling position.Thatmust be hurting by now since he’s been like that for two days.Butjust thinking about him in any kind of pain is bringing a smile to my face.
“What’sup man?Youlook a bit rough around the edges,”Itell him.Alaugh slips out of me, asIrealize that he’s not even awake right now.
Hisface is battered, bruised and bloody.Justthe wayIfucking like him.Hecouldn’t answer me if he wanted to because he’s gagged, sinceIdon’t want to have to listen to his annoying as hell voice.Hishead is just slumped forward, like he’s been in and out of consciousness and right now he isn’t conscious.
Iwalk over to him and take his gag off before lifting the bottle of rumIhave in my hand and pour it down his throat.Hecomes awake instantly, sputtering and coughing as the alcohol burns his throat.Ijust laugh at how much pleasure his suffering brings me.
“Youlooked a little thirsty there man.So,IthoughtI’dhelp out,”Itell him with a smirk on my face.
“Whateverasshole!” he sneers at me.
“Aww, are you mad and a little uncomfortable there?”Iask with mock sympathy. “SeeI’dhave helped you out but you deserve every fucking thing that you’re going to get for taking that job from my father and his bitch.Butdon’t worryI’llmake it hurt extra good, for daring to take my girl and messing with her!”Ispit at him.
“Thebitch deserved it!” he mumbles.
“Yeah, well you’re about to deserve every single thing thatI’mgoing to do to you,”Isnap asIrear my hand back and punch him in the face.Ihear the sickening crunch of his nose and it makes me smile as he screams out in pain.Atleast he has the good sense to not beg for his life, since he won’t be making it out of here. “Howdoes it feel to be getting a taste of your own medicine?”
Hedoesn’t answer, but he does spit toward me instead.Itdoesn’t touch me butI’mstill pissed at his audacity.Imove around the room, grabbing a towel and then the hose, that’s connected to a pipe down here.
Iwonder how many people have been tortured here because this basement is a sadistic asshole’s dream, with everything, you’d need to torture someone.IshootHuntera glance and he smirks at me, like he knows exactly whatI’mthinking.Thereare knives and all kinds of other equipment hanging on one of the walls butI’mdefinitely not ready for those yet.
Imove back over to him, force his head back and then place the towel over his face, making sure that his mouth and nose is covered properly, before turning the water on and blasting it over his face.Hestarts to cough and breathe but he’s struggling.
Imove the hose away from his face and he’s panting heavily, as he’s gasping for air.Idon’t give him enough time to get too much air into his lungs beforeI’mblasting his face with water again.
Hisscreams are like fucking music to my ears right now.I’malso loving the fact that he’s making it worse for himself, all on his own.Whatan idiot!Ilook over atHunterand he’s just looking at me with a bored expression on his face.Nodoubt he’s done this a million times before.
“Youhaving fun?” he asks when he sees me looking at him.
“ThemostI’veever had,”Islur a bit.I’mdefinitely drunker thanIthoughtIwas and nowIrealize why he came down with me.Hedidn’t want me to do some dumb shit and let our prisoner escape.Hmm,I’mdown with that and not mad at all.WhenI’mdone with that round,Ipull the towel off his face and he’s instantly sucking in some much-needed air.Wehaven’t toldWinterthat he’s here yet.I’mnot sure if we should tell her, or just deal with him so she doesn’t ever have to see his stupid face again.
“Didyou like that?”Iask with a smirk.Helooks at me with a deadly stare like he wants to kill me andIjust smile even wider.
“Asshole!”Hegrumbles. “Whenmy boss notices thatI’mgone he’ll be looking for me.”
“Oh,I’msure by now he’s probably considering you nothing but a liability.Besides, if he does want to try that then he’s more than welcome to.Thoughby then you’ll already be dead and he’ll have a whole army of blood thirsty fuckers ready and waiting for him.So,I’msure he’ll just be cutting his losses.Andby the way we know who your real boss is andI’mnot talking about my father,”Itell him and he doesn’t respond.Maybehe knows whatI’mtelling him is the truth.
Igrab a scalpel from one of the tables in the room and walk around him deciding on what to do next.Heeyes the scalpel in my hand andIsee the hint of fear cross his features.I’mglad he finally knows thatI’mnot fucking playing around.
Istep up to him and begin to slice the shirt that he was wearing from his body andIfeel him stiffen a little, probably wondering what the hellI’mdoing.Oncehis shirt is off of him,Iwalk around him untilI’mat his back.
Imove in closer to him and use the scalpel to start carving the letterFinto his back.Apain filled scream erupts from him, butIdon’t pay any mind to him.Ijust keep going untilIhave the word ‘Fuckface’ carved into his body.Iwas going to carveWinterinto his skin as a reminder of why he’s being tortured butIdecided not to.Mygirl’s name is too precious for this dickhead.
Imade sure to do it deep enough that the wound is gaping, yet shallow enough to not hit anything vital.Thiswill serve as a reminder as to what he did to her, for however long he has left on this earth.Thedick currently branded on his chest doesn’t hurt either.Myhands are just as bloody as his back, with the copious amount of blood running down.
“Couldyou help me out a little here bro,”Isay toHunter. “Takea picture of his back and show it to him please.I’ma little bloody here.”
“Surething,”Huntersays with a laugh. “Lovethe handiwork.Ifwe were going to let him live, he’d have the rest of his life to look at the scar, but it’s a shame that isn’t in the plan.”
Huntertakes a picture of his back and moves to go show it to him, whileIbegin to wash the blood off my arms.Whenhe sees it, he starts to scream in rage.
“Youfucking asshole!You’regoing to pay for this!” he screams and thrashes around, as though he’ll be able to break out of his bindings.Spoileralert, he’s not getting out of them unless one of us lets him go and that is not happening.