Page 63 of Broken Empire

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Page 63 of Broken Empire

“Welldon’t, beforeIkick your ass for annoying me.”

“Pfft.Likeyou could take me,” he says rolling his eyes.

“Wouldyou two stop acting like children and focus!”Graygrumbles.

“No.Hestarted it!”HunterandIboth say at the same time and we all start laughing.Theirdumbasses have actually helped to change my mood, well for the moment at least.

“Well, you both need to shut it and stop annoying me,”Graymumbles.

“Sobig bad biker manHunter, what gives?What’sthe story with that garden you got out back?Didn’ttake you for the gardener type.”

“Mysister loves flowers, soIhad it added for whenever she’s here,” he says, shrugging.Imove over to the table and place the flowers on it, before grabbing a notebook and pen, then finally taking a seat.Itake the chair that’s the furthest from the two of them becauseIdon’t need them getting into my shit right now.

“Iguess she doesn’t like them enough because she’s not even warming up to me andI’vegiven her them every single day that we’ve been here.”

“Aw, don’t pout.I’msure she’ll forgive you in like fifty years or so,”Huntersays trying to keep a straight face, butIcan see the asshole trying to hide his smirk.

“Whatare you even doing here right now?Don’tyou have somebody else to go torture with your annoying presence?”

“Hey,Iwas here withGraysonfirst, before you came in.Andnope,I’mall yours.Iknow how much you love my presence,” he says with a huge grin on his face.


“Youknow it.I’ma total catch.Besidesit’s a good thingI’mhere now, soIcan probably give you some pointers on how to not piss your girl off,”

“Seriously, fuck off bro,”Isay letting out a loud sigh while the asshole just laughs.

“Whatare you doing all the way over there anyway?”

“Writingmy daily note to her,”

“Aw.Alove note.Howcute.Isn’tthat what teenagers do though?”

“Idon’t know andIdon’t care.Ifshe ever reads them,Ihope she’ll see how muchIlove her.”

“Damnyou’re such a sap,”

“Ican’t wait for the day you fall in love and then we’ll see how much of an idiot you’ll turn into,”

“Notgoing to happen.”

“Howdo you know that?Ithappens to everyone eventually, like a disease or something.”

“Eww.Nah.Thatshit isn’t for me.I’mpretty sureI’llbe the cool uncle for the rest of my life.Eww!Nevermind with that shit!Youbetter not have any ideas about my sister!”

“Nowthere’s an idea,”Isay, smirking at him.Hiswords make me remember messing with her birth control a few months back by having her doctor give her a placebo shot instead.

Ugh!IhopeIget her pregnant soon.Maybethen she’ll calm down a little.Eitherthat or she’ll be pissed as hell.Can’ttell which way her mood will swing on any given day, so it’s best to just take it one day at a time.

Justthen a horrible thought crosses my mind, what if she’s pregnant withAntonio’schild?Iwas messing with her birth control so she probably could get pregnant at any time.God,Ihope not!Hecouldn’t be that cruel, could he?Buteither wayI’dstill love her because it’s not her fault the asshole raped her and those thoughts have earned him some more punches to his face.

Itmakes me feel like a total asshole the times thatIhave to be firm with her, especially whenIthink about what she just went through.Butshe seriously won’t listen any other way.

Allof this just makes me remember how fucked up things still are between us.Imiss the easy banter that we used to have.Imiss how everything used to be simple between us and now it’s like trying to wade your way through a minefield of epic proportions.Butno matter how much of a pain in the ass she is, she’s still mine.

I’mstill pissed at the fact that this asshole and my father messed up everything with their fuckery.Myselfincluded for a bit too becauseI’ma dumbass.Shebarely talks to me or even looks at me unlessI’mthe one bulldozing my way into her bubble.Justthinking about this shit is getting me angry again.Ican’t wait to kill that asshole.Theonly reason he’s even still alive is because he hasn’t suffered enough yet.

“What’swrong with you now?”Graysonasks, pulling me out of my thoughts.

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