Page 66 of Broken Empire

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Page 66 of Broken Empire

Hegoes to the table whileItake a seat.HunterandGrayalso take a seat on the chairs not too far from me.Masongrabs a small packet of something and then walks back over to whereAntoniois slumped on his knees.

Heopens the packet and brings it up to his nose and that’s whenIrealize that the packet contains smelling salts.Antoniois instantly awake and he groans in agony.Fromthe way he’s moaning and groaningIcan tell that he’s in unbearable pain.Thenfor the first time in what feels like forever,Ifeel a smile cross my face.Seeinghim in this much pain just soothed a tiny bit of my soul.

“Oh, hey there asshole.It’sme again.Gladyou could join us.We’reabout to have some more fun,”Masonsays.Iglance up at the same time he turns my way and there’s whatIcan only call a sinister smirk on his face.

“Whatthe fuck is your problem asshole?Justget it over with already,”Antoniowheezes out.

“I’mnot ready yet, but soon.Ihave to fuck you up some more to appease my girl’s bloodthirstiness,”Masesays with a smirk.JustthenAntoniolifts his head and looks pastMasondirecting a bloody smile my way.Ashiver races across my body, butIstare right back at him, trying to hide the fact thatI’mterrified.

“Heythere babe,”Antoniosays. “Alittle help here would be nice.Youknow we had something special there for a while.”Ijust look at him with disgust on my face.

“Youdon’t get to talk to her asshole!”Masonsnaps and punches him hard in the face causing his head to twist to the side, while he lets out another groan of pain.

“Whatthe hell did you do to me, asshole!”Antoniosuddenly yells. “Itfeels like something is crawling on me!”

“Oh, those are probably the maggots,”Masontells him gleefully.


“Maggots.Notsure if they’ll eat your flesh now or wait until you’re dead and rotting.ButIfiguredI’duse them now, just to make you uncomfortable,”Masonmoves to grab a pair of scissors, then begins stripping him.Hecuts off his shirt and then turns toHunter. “Ineed some help to get him to stand up.

“Surething, bro.Alwayshappy to help.”Huntersays as he gets up off his chair and walks over to them.Whenhe’s standing in front ofAntonio, he punches him in the face and then kicks him in the balls.Antoniolets out a scream andIwince.Damnthat must’ve hurt terribly. “Thatwas for all the shit you did to my sister.It’snot nearly enough but be glad that you only got a few taps, andIwasn’t the one really torturing you becauseIwould’ve done a whole lot worse.”

Theythen work on standing him up, making sure his arms are still secured to the posts.Nowthat he’s standing up fully,Isee the white gauze that’s covering his side.Masonrips it off a second later andIsee there’s a large cut there andIcan see something crawling around at the top of it.


Masonthen moves to put on a pair of gloves and uses the same scissors to cutAntonio’spants and briefs off, leaving him completely naked in front of everyone.Hethen walks back over to the table of equipment as my brother comes back and takes his seat.IseeMasegrab what looks to be a small round metal rod.It’slong and thin andIwonder what the hell he’s going to do with that, as he walks back over to his prey.

“Ihope you enjoy this,” he says as he grabsAntonio’sdick in his gloved hand.Heholds it so that it’s straight out and then takes the rod and places it on the tip at his pee hole.Notwaiting a second more, he shoves it right up inside.

Holyfucking shit!Iwince, asAntonioscreams so loud it’s almost deafening.Oncethe rod is fully inside,Masondrops his dick and moves to take his gloves off, all the whileAntoniois still screaming in pain.Maseturns to look at me and winks.

“Ooh, does it hurt?”IaskAntonioin a voice filled with glee asIsee blood dripping from the end of the rod.

“Fuckingbitch!” he snaps, panting hard.

“Hmm,Iguess it does.Youknow, whenItold you thatIhope you have a horrible death when the time comes, andIhope you suffer more than every person you’ve ever had there, did.Iwasn’t really expecting thatI’dbe here to see it and looking at you now it’s more thanIcould have ever hoped for.Youlook like shit and it’s exactly what you deserve,”Isay, whileIsmile at him.

“Youstupid fucking bitch!You’regoing to pay for this!”

“Who’sgoing to make that happen?Yourboss?Youthink he’d avenge your death when he hears how you’ve been using his name to do all your sick side jobs?”Iask and seeAntoniovisibly stiffen.Igot some information from that guy who was there forScarlettsoIknowAlisterisn’t his boss.SpeakingofScarlett,I’llhave to remember to get the guys to help me find her sinceIdon’t know where that asshole took her. “Ah, soIwas right.Hedoesn’t know what you’ve been doing behind his back.Don’tworry.I’lllet him know everything when you’re dead and gone.”

Hestarts thrashing around attempting to wiggle, trying to get the ropes off but they’re tied pretty tight around his wrists, which means he’s not getting out of them at all.

“Ishould have fucking killed you!”

“Toobad you didn’t and you won’t get the chance either.You’regoing to rot in hell and no one will even remember who you are because you’re nothing but a shit stain.Howdoes it feel knowing that no one will care about your death?”Iask and he just laughs.

“Imight be dead soon, butI’malways going to be in your head sweetheart,” he mumbles through bloody teeth once he can speak, afterMasonjust clocked him in the face.

“Youthink it bothers me?”Iask in a snide tone, hiding howIreally feel from this asshole because he will never get to see me scared again. “IfIwas scared of you or was even thinking about you, wouldIbe down here right now?AndsinceIam, what does that tell you?Itshould tell you that you’re nothing but an insignificant piece of shit!”

“She’sa thousand times stronger than you’ll ever be, asshole,”Masontells him as he moves to grab a knife from the table before going back toAntonio. “She’ssurrounded by people who wouldn’t bat an eye at killing assholes like you for messing with her, while you have nothing.She’llbe so happy in the many years to come that you won’t even be a speck of a thought to her.”

Antoniois still in that standing position andMasonsmacks his dick with the rod still inside his urethra and he screams in pain again.ThenIwatch mesmerized asMasonstarts to make cuts on his skin at the front before going to his back.

There’ssomething about the wounds that have my attention and when it finally clicks what it is a gasp leaves me, as tears begin to fill my eyes.Isuddenly get off my chair and walk toAntonio’sback and it’s just asIthought.

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