Page 67 of Broken Empire

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Page 67 of Broken Empire

Thecuts are deep, deeper than mine ever were.Thepattern of the cuts on his skin are exactly like the ones on mine.Iknow becauseI’vestared at them so many times already thatI’vememorized them.Ilook up atMason, only to see that he’s already looking at me.

“Idid it for you baby.Ascar on his body for every single one that he put on you.Iwanted him to feel exactly how you felt, butIwanted him to be in more pain than you ever were,” he says, andIcan imagine that it’s excruciating becauseIcan see down to some of the muscle, with how deep they are andAntonio’sscreams echoing around the room attests to that until they eventually quiet down. “ThoughIdo have one question for you.Doyou want to be the one to give him a bullet in the leg?”

He’seven bloodier now but that doesn’t seem to matter to either of us as tears fill my eyes.

“Yes,”Isay, barely above a whisper.

Hedoesn’t say anything, just walks over to the table to grab a gun before coming back to me.Hestands behind me, walking us a bit closer toAntonio.Whenwe’re in the position he wants us in, he puts the gun in my hand.

Stillholding onto it and me, he raises our clasped hands aims and fires it.Thebullet goes right intoAntonio’sleg and thenMasonis firing again into his other one.Holyshit!Ijust shot someone!ButIcan’t bring myself to feel bad at all.

Inthe next moment, we drop the gun andMasonspins me around, grabs a hold of my face and pulls me in for a kiss as the tears start to trail down my cheeks.Ican feel the blood on his hands staining my cheeks.Idon’t hear a peep fromAntoniofor a few and when we break our kiss,Ilook over at him to see him slumped a little, as he’s currently passed out.

“Tha-thank you.”

“Timeto end this,” he says.

Hepoints for me to take my seat andImove away as he takes a bigger knife than the one that he was using before.Iwatch as he wakesAntonioup with some smelling salts under his nose.Oncehe’s awake again and conscious of everything going on around him,Masonholds his head back and then he plunges the knife into the front of his throat and then drags it all the way down until it stops at his pelvis.

Hecan’t make a sound except for gurgling on his own blood.Masonthen grabs a small ax and slams it into his chest, breaking the bones there since the knife didn’t crack them, it just left a long cut there.Hekeeps going with the ax untilAntonio’sinsides start to spill out more.

Holyshit!IsallIcan think at the moment.

Hethen turns to me with a wild and fierce expression on his face andIgulp as he drops the ax and walks over to me.Withouta word he pulls me up into his arms andIhave to wrap my legs around his waist.Hishands are on my ass holding me up as he starts to make his way up the stairs with me.

“Don’tworryI’lldo the cleanup,”Ibarely hearHunteryell after us becauseI’mstill consumed with the look inMason’seyes right now.

Hewalks all the way back up to my room and heads straight into the bathroom.Heputs me down onto the counter but he doesn’t move, he stays there between my spread thighs.We’rechest to chest with his face in my hair as he hugs me to him.

Thereare so many emotions rolling through me thatI’mat a loss on what to say or do at the moment.We’reboth covered in blood but somehow neither one of us seem to care about that.Ican’t even compute the fact that my monster is no longer alive to torture me.I’mglad he’s dead.So, he won’t be able to hurt anyone else anymore.

“It’sover now,” he whispers.

“Iknow… it’s hard to believe that, whenIstill feel so much inside,”Isigh. “Whydid you do it?Whendid you become a killer?”

“Ilove you so fucking much baby.Ihad to be the one to do it because you’re mine, so it was mine to do.Ibecame one when he decided to hurt you.Ikilled for you andI’dkill for you again if it means protecting you.”


“Ifyou’re scared of me, you don’t have to be.I’dnever hurt you.”

“Butyou already have.Youwere the one personIdidn’t think would ever hurt me but you’re the one who caused the most painI’veever felt in my life.Yeah, what he did to me hurt but it was nothing compared to what you did to me,”Isay on a sob, my emotions unexpectedly coming to the surface.

“AndI’llspend the rest of my life making it up to you.I’mgoing to love you so hard all you’re going to feel is happiness.Iwant whatIsaid to that asshole to be true.Iwant you to be so happy that he’ll just be a blip in your memory,” he says, with determination in his voice.

“Andwhat about what you’ve done?”

“Samedeal.I’mgoing to pour all my love into you that you’ll be so full of it the past won’t have any leg to stand on to hurt you again,”

“Soundsgood in theory butIdon’t know…”

“Don’tworry about it.It’smy job to change your mind.”

“I’msure you know by now that it was your father andEmiliawho was behind this whole mess.”

“Yes, andI’mgoing to be dealing with them both when we get home.”

“Whatare you going to do?”Iask.

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