Page 72 of Broken Empire
“Youbought us a mansion?”
“Becausethis is where we’re going to live together.I’mnot going to be apart from you any longer.Plus, this is much safer than the apartment,”Itell her before lifting her up in my arms bridal style and walking into the mansion.
“Shhh.Thisis happening.Areyou tired?Doyou want to take a nap?”Iask since she looks tired and a bit overwhelmed.
“Uh, yes please.”
“I’llbe back down in a moment guys,”ItellHuntandGray, asIbegin walking up the stairs with her still in my arms.Itake us up to the master bedroom and lay her down gently on the bed.Ofcourse, she peppers me with questions while we’re up here, untilIcut her off asking, “Doyou want me to lay here with you until you fall asleep?”
“Okaybaby.I’llbe right downstairs if you need anything,”Itell her before placing a kiss on her forehead and she just nods her head in response.
WhenIhead back downstairs,Imeet the household staff and ask the chef to heat up the soup thatIasked to be prepared for today.Afew minutes laterItake a tray with a bowl of soup and some juice up to her andIhave to feed her yet again because she’s so damn stubborn.Shemakes a fuss, andIput my foot down before she begrudgingly eats her food.
“Later, after you’ve rested,I’llgive you a tour of the mansion and introduce you to the staff,”Itell her before tucking her in and leaving the room.
WhenIhead back downstairs,Isee thatNate,Royce, andBeckhave all arrived.Igive them all the bro hug as we all, includingHuntand my brother, head to my office.It’sa big office, so they all take a seat on the chairs around the room whileIsit behind my desk.
“So,Itake it this is where the two of you are going to be living now?”Hunterasks, starting the convo.
“Yep.Andyou can stay here for as long as you want, since you will always have a room here.”Itell him and then turn to look at my brother. “Youhave a permanent room here since you’ll be living with us.Idon’t want you anywhere near that asshole andIhave to keep you safe too.”
“Areyou sureIwon’t be imposing—” he starts butIcut him off.
“Don’tbe an ass likeHunterbro.Ofcourse, you won’t be imposing.Thisis your home too.”
“Hey!You’remore of an ass thanIam dickhead!”Huntersnorts.
“You’renot leaving anytime soon, right?”
“Nope.Homeis where my sister is,” he says andInod my head.
“What’sthe latest withAmberand those three clowns that follow her around?”Iask, directing my question toNate,Royce, andBeck.
“They’reall hooked on the cocktail we’ve been giving them and have been making complete fools of themselves all over the place,”Natetells me.
“That’sgood.Whereare they now?”
“Whenyou called and said you were coming, we took them back to the warehouse and we’re keeping them there,”Roycesays.
“Let’sgo deal with them then.Mygirl is back now,Idon’t want her to see them around anywhere.Asto not trigger any kind of relapse, after what they did to her.”
“Let’sgo then.We’reready to get rid of them already.They’rejust dregs of society that shouldn’t be here anymore,”Beckhuffs out.
“Let’sgo,”Isay and then turn toHunterandGray. “Youtwo stay here.Ineed the two of you to keep her company in case she comes down andI’mnot back yet.Besides,I’dfeel a whole lot better with you two here watching over her.Itrust my men, but you can never be too careful.”
Theyboth nod and then the guys andIleave.Roycedrives us to the warehouse and when he opens the room to where the four of them are sitting tied to chairs, they definitely don’t look like they used to.They’velost some weight and their appearance is starting to change.Theylook like the strung-out whores that they really are.
“Pleasehelp me,”Amberis the first one to look up and speak.Shelets out a gasp when she finally gets a good look and sees that it’s me.
“Noone here is going to help you.Youwouldn’t be in this situation right now if you had only fucking listened to me, whenItold you to leave my girl alone.Butyou didn’t and now here we are.Mygirl is back home where she belongs andIcan’t have you anywhere near her, soI’mhere to finally put an end to your misery.”