Page 73 of Broken Empire
“P-pl-please.Iwon’t go anywhere near her again,” she sobs weakly.
“I’mafraid it’s too late for that.”Itell her and then turn to look at my guys. “Let’sget this over with.Idon’t want to be away from my girl for too long.”
Theyall nod, as we each grab a syringe filled with a more potent dose of heroin and inject it into their veins.Wegive them two more doses just to make sure it works perfectly andIwatch with no emotion as they eventuallyODfrom it.Oncethey’re dead some ofHunter’smen enter the room.
“We’vebeen instructed to handle the cleanup,” one of the men says to me.
“Noworries.Don’tget rid of them.Placethem somewhere where they’ll be found.Iwant their families to think they killed themselves with an overdose, since everyone knows they recently became drug addicts.”
“Noproblem, sir.”
It’salready dark by the time we leave to make our way back to the mansion.Weall step inside the house and hear voices coming from the living room, soIfigureHunterandGrayare in there.Meand the guys head in that direction andIcome to a complete stop, whenIsee the person that’s standing there by the windows looking out at the view.
“Holyfucking shit, is that…” is allImanage to mutter asIstand there in shock.
WhenIwokeup this morning,Iwas in some type of mood thatIcouldn’t really describe.Ijust wanted to keep to myself and not talk to anyone.Mybrother andGraysondidn’t seem to mind since they both seemed to understand my various mood swings these days.
Butobviously, that was different withMason.Icould see that he was exasperated with the change in me this morning, butIhave to give him props.Hewas trying to be patient and considerate, butIcould see he was struggling big time.
Iknow it’s becauseIdid a whole one-eighty from last night, especially after all the intimacy we shared between us.Andmaybe, it’s that intimacy that’s causing all my current issues this morning.Itwas just too much, it felt like when we were together before.Weconnected more last night than we had at any other time in the last few months.
IguessIcan’t lie,Igot fucking scared, after all that intimacy last night.Iwas too lost in my head to say anything, as we made our way to the airport.Andstill while on the flight, even thoughIfelt his presence next to me and he was never far,Isaid nothing.
Hetook care of me likeIwas a child and again,Ihate to admit this, butIkind of liked it.Hewent on his wholeIneed to eat tirade, then he helped me get ready and when we were on the jet, he made sureIwas buckled and everything.Itfelt nice being taken care of after going without it for so long.
Nowhere we are, about to get off the jet inRavenwood.I’msuddenly nervous to be back here, even though it’s home.IknowIwas the one who insisted we come back, but nowI’mnot so sure.Ijust didn’t want to be there anymore, hiding away likeIdid something wrong.
Ijust want my life to go back to normal.Well, as normal asIcan make it seem, but this time without the attempted hits on my life.Ijust want to forget all the things that have happened to me and move on.
Iwalk down the aisle and toward the open door andIcan feelMason’shand on the small of my back the entire way.Icome to a stop abruptly when we get to the door andIsee all the men and cars lined up there on the tarmac and waiting.
Iturn around to look at him andI’msure he sees the questions in my eyes butIdon’t ask them and he doesn’t offer an answer either.Hejust smiles and grabs a hold of my hand, moving down the steps in front of me andIhave no choice but to follow.
Oncewe’re on the ground we quickly get into the vehicles,HunterandGraysonfollowing us into the same one and then we’re off.Itdoesn’t take long for me to notice that we’re not heading for the apartment, but in the opposite direction.
“Whereare we going?”Graysonasks andI’mthankful that he does, sinceI’mstill not ready to speak, even thoughI’mcurious as fuck.
“You’llsee soon enough.It’sa surprise,”Masonsays.
Wedrive for a little while longer until we’re almost on the outskirts of town.Wepull up to these huge iron gates and when they open we begin to drive through,I’mcurious as fuck.
Wedrive down the long driveway and a moment later a large white mansion comes into view.Atfirst glance it’s absolutely beautiful.Thesecond thingInotice is the big marquee letter signs he had put up on the front lawn and a gasp escapes me.
Oneof them readswelcome homeand the other one readsIlove you.I’msorry and please forgive me.They’redecorated with balloons taped to the letters and all around them.
WhentheSUVcomes to a stop in front of the doors and we all get out my brother lets out a whistle.Iturn around and just stand there looking at the words on the lawn.Masonsays something to the men who were waiting for us at the airport, thoughIcan’t say what, but a moment later they leave and go their own way.Iwatch them and that’s whenIalso notice the other men that are currently patrolling the grounds.
Holyhell!WhatdidIwalk in on here?IknowIsaw the sign, butIstill need to know soIbreak my silence.
“Whatis this place?Whyare we here?”I’mpretty certain he’s lost his mind or something.
“This, my love, is our new home,” he tells me.
“Youbought us a mansion?”