Page 80 of Broken Empire
“Idon’t care.Theguy’s an asshole.He’sshown us that blood doesn’t always mean family.Imean, even if he hated her family, he knows that you love her.And, if he really did love us, then he wouldn’t have gone after her like he did.Itjust shows how much he doesn’t give a shit about us,”Graysays, andInod, pulling him in for a hug beforeHunterandIleave.
“Youthree protect this door like your life depends on it, because it does,”Itell my three guards that have been standing sentry by the door. “We’llbe back soon.”
“Absolutelyboss,” they all say in response.Igive them a nod and thenHunterandIleave.
Wemake our way to the parking lot and then get in the car withHunterat the wheel.Ihonestly don’t even feel like driving since my head is all over the place.Whenwe get home, we walk into the living room to find their dad in there.
“Myoffice now,”Isay and walk away without waiting for an answer.Itake a seat at my desk just asHunterandAidenwalk into my office and they both take a seat on the chairs in front of my desk.
“What’sthe matter son?”Aidenasks, like he doesn’t know.
“It’stime for you to be resurrected from the dead,”Itell him and wait to see what his reaction will be.
“Figuredat some pointI’dhave to,” he says, rolling his eyes.Gee,Iwonder where his daughter got that from. “Whatdo you have in mind?”
“Doyou have contacts in theFBI?Orshould we callHunter’sbrother and his guys?”
“Ihave some contacts of my own,” he tells me.
“Well,Ineed you to crack my father’s life wide open and hand them all the evidence you have against him.Thisis going to be big and cause a frenzy, so we need to prepare for that.”
“Afterwhat that asshole did to my daughter,Idon’t give a shit.I’mmore than prepared for the fallout to come,”
“They’reobviously going to arrest him when the story first hits and he has the money for good lawyers.Whatare you going to do if that happens?”
“That’snot going to happen because he’s not going to make it to trial.He’sgoing to be dead before he even gets there.Iknow it was him that had someone hit her and that was his last fuck up.Theyboth will be.I’mnot leaving her safety to chance again like last night, hoping that he’ll stop when it’s obvious that he won’t.”
“Well, you won’t hear any complaints from me.”
“Meeither,”Hunteradds in.
“Ineed you to call your brother for me.”
Hunternods and then pulls his phone out of his pocket and then puts it on speaker as it rings.Amoment laterCarteranswers the phone.
“Heybro, what’s up?Howare things there and how’s our sister doing?”
“Erm, never a dull moment that’s for sure.She’sin the hospital.Shewas in an accident last night.
“Damn!Isshe okay?”
“Yeah, she’ll be fine.Thedoctor says there wasn’t anything too serious and everything is looking good..Anyway,Icalled becauseMasonneeds to talk to you.”
“Heyman, what do you need?Youhave me and the guys here.”
“Canany of you guys’ hack into my father’s shit?Ineed you to drain all of his accounts and make sure that his will still states thatGrayandIinherit everything.Ineed him broke, so that he can’t hire any lawyers when we get the ball rolling on his demise.”
“Ofcourse, one of my guys can do it.It’lltake an hour or more depending on how easy it is to hack him, but we’ll get back to you soon,”
“Noproblem.We’llbe here waiting.”Isay and then he cuts the call.
“Guesswe have some waiting to do then,”Aidensays.
“Yep.Holdoff on theFBIuntil we get confirmation.Iwant him to feel the squeeze as he’s going down.”