Page 81 of Broken Empire

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Page 81 of Broken Empire

Ineed to find out if my theory of him having lookouts is correct or if someone from my team gave him information.Ihope toGodit’s not someone on my team or they’re dead.Oncewe’re done with businessHunterandIhead right back to the hospital.


Agroan escapesmy lips asIwake and try to sit up, but the pain that causes stops me in my tracks.Asmy entire body aches with just that slight movement.Iinhale deeply and the smell of antiseptic lets me know exactly whereIam.

I’mproven right when my eyes flutter open a moment later.Thebright lights hurt my eyes for a moment until they adjust to the room.Familiarwhite walls greet me, as does the hospital bedI’mcurrently laying in.

Amoment later my eyes land on the flowers, balloons and cards that are on the table right across from my bed.Asthe fog begins to clear andIlook again, focusing better this time,Isee that there are even more flowers and balloons all around the room.Definitelymore than one person could ever need, in fact.

Ihave a terrible headache andI’mstarting to feel a little nauseous, while the pain in my body seems to increase the longer,I’mawake.Igo to move my hand and that’s whenIrealize thatI’mnot alone in the room likeIthought.

Imust really be out of it to not have noticed thatMasonis in a chair next to my bed, asleep with his head on the edge of it and he has my hand in his.Itry to slowly pull my hand out of his, but the slight movement causes him to wake up and he flies up into a sitting position.

“OhmyGod!You’reawake baby!Itfeels likeI’vebeen waiting forever for you to wake up,” he says with what definitely sounds like relief in his voice.

“Wha-what happened?Mybody feels like it’s been run over by a truck,”Isay trying to joke but my voice sounds scratchy.

“Closeenough,” he says, and thenIhear him mutter quietly. “Toofucking close for comfort.”

“Didyou say something else?”

“Nope.Doyou need anything whileIgo get the doctor?”

“Somethingto drink please.Mythroat feels dry and itchy.”

“I’llbe right back baby,” he stands and maneuvers his body so that he’s hugging me.Hekisses the top of my head and then rests our foreheads together, as he just stands there for a moment like he doesn’t want to let go.Ifeel something wet land on my cheek andIknow it’s tears.

“I’mfine,”Itell him asIlift the hand that’s not currently in a sling to his face.Ifeel his entire body shudder at my touch.

“Iwas so fucking scared when that guy slammed into you.Ican’t lose you, not now and not ever.”

“Well,I’mhere andI’mfine.Whathappened?”

“Idon’t want you to worry about anything, baby.It’sall being taken care of,” he tells me, before bending down and placing a soft and quick kiss on my lips, then pulling away and heading for the door.

Heisn’t even gone a minute when the doctor walks into my room.GuessMasonjust missed him.

“MissCrowne.Howare you feeling?”

“Myentire body aches andI’mfeeling a bit nauseous.”

“Well, that’s normal after you’ve been in an accident.I’vegiven you a small dose of morphine for the pain, but not to worry it’s not enough to hurt the baby.Wellbabies, since you’re pregnant with twins!” the doctor says dropping that huge bomb on me.

“Thewhat?”Iask, stunned.

“Babies.You’rehaving twins and you’re about eight weeks from my calculations,” he tells me.

Ifeel my stomach drop at his words.ButthenIdo the math in my head and let out a relieved sigh that the baby’s conception happened a whole month beforeAntoniotook me.Idon’t know whatIwould’ve done if the baby, well babies wereAntonio’s.Andwe’ll come back to the wholeI’mpregnant with twins thing later, afterI’veprocessed.

“Uh, can you do me a favor and not mention this to anyone else,Doc?Iwant to plan a surprise.”

“Noproblem,” he says as he looks over my chart. “Everythinglooks good so far and you should heal without any issues,” he says just as the door opens again andMason,Hunter, andGraywalk in the door.

“Oh, hey,Doc,Iwas just looking for you,”Masonsays to the doctor.

“Everythingis going well and she can leave tomorrow.”

“That’sgood news.Andnot to worry,I'lltake great care of her.”

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