Page 88 of Broken Empire

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Page 88 of Broken Empire

“Liar.ShouldIcall you my good girl then?You’vebeen such a good girl for squirting on my cock like that baby.Ilove it when you drench me in your pussy juice,” he says grinning, all the while he’s still pounding my hole like there’s no tomorrow.I’mpretty sure thatI’mgoing to have a sore pussy tomorrow.Hepulls out of me a moment later and lays down on the bed. “Comeride my cock like a good girl babe.Iknow you want to.”

Iroll my eyes at him but move to straddle his hips anyway.Heholds his length up asIline the head up with my hole and then sink down onto his hard length inch by stretching inch, moaning all the while, until the entire length of him is finally inside me.

“Ah,”Igasp. “Whydo you have to feel so fucking good inside me?”

“Lookat you being such a good fucking girl, taking my cock in your tight little cunt all the way to the hilt.”Hegrowls with need coating his voice.

Heholds onto my hips and he helps me begin to move.Istart to ride him slowly, gradually increasing the pace.WhenI’vegotten the hang of it,Ilean forward so that both my hands are on his chest.Hishands leave my hips and he uses them to grab onto my breasts.

Hesqueezes my breasts and tweaks my nipples causing more juices to leak out of me and onto his cock.Thewet slapping sounds of our fucking is the only thing that can be heard right now.

Hepulls my head down so that he can kiss me while his hands find my hips again, this time holding them in place as he starts to hammer up into me.Hefucks me hard and fast and in no time,I’mscreaming my orgasm into our kiss.Hefollows a moment later,Ifeel spurt after spurt of his thick and creamy cum flood my insides which trigger some aftershocks in me.

Mypussy continues to clench around his cock, keeping him in me whileImilk every drop of his seed.Ilove feeling his cum inside me andImean there can’t be any risk of the consequences anymore, sinceI’malready pregnant with his twins.

TwinsthatIhaven’t told him about yet…

Whenthe aftershocks calm down,Icollapse onto his chest.We’reboth out of breath as we lay there basking in the afterglow of sex.Hetwists us so that we’re laying on our sides before throwing a blanket over the both of us.

“Thatwas perfect baby.Thankyou,” he says, kissing me on the forehead.Wecontinue to lay there as whatever movie is on now plays in the background and we eventually fall asleep.

* * *

“Wakeup baby,”Masonsays in his deep voice, just asIfeel kisses on my forehead followed by my cheeks and then my lips.

“Goaway,”Igrumble, still half asleep and not wanting to get up.Ihear him chuckle beside me and that’s whenIopen my eyes to look at him.


“Hi.Uh, what time is it?”Iask, looking around and seeing that it’s dusk already.Damn, guess we must have been asleep for a while.

“It’stime to get dressed soIcan get everyone up here for your last surprise of the day.”

“Okay,”Ianswer asIsit up and stretch.Ifeel super tired and drained.Thesebabies are sucking the life out of me.Themorning sickness has been terrible andI’vehad to hide it from everyone in the house becauseIdon’t want them to know yet.

Idon’t know if it’s selfish or not to withhold the information fromMasonthat he’s going to be a father.Ijust need this time for me for a little while longer untilIcan figure out what’s going to happen since we’re nowhere near being good.

“Stayright there baby, let me go get the stuff to clean you up,” he says and then walks off to the kitchen area.Amoment later he walks back over to me with some wipes in his hands.Hespreads my legs and lets out a groan. “Fuck,Ilove seeing my cum drip out of you baby.”

Hethen uses his fingers to push his leaking cum back inside me and then he uses the feminine wipes around the lips of my pussy.Oncehe’s done, he kisses my mound and then helps me put my panties back on, along with my leggings.

Oncewe’re decent and we don’t look like we spent the afternoon having sex, he texts everyone to come upstairs.Thedaybed area doesn’t smell like sex either because of the breeze, thankfully.

Afew moments later some of the staff come up first with a big cake in their hands, that they place on one of the tables.Onthe cake there’s a picture of the two of us.It’sone whereI’mcaught off guard.Ican see the sadness in me but it’s the wayMasonis looking at me that makes me pause.

Adoration, devotion, obsession, and a dose of maybe regret on his face.Ihave no idea when this picture was taken or that it even existed, but it captures us in a wayI’venever seen before.Andof course, there’s aHappyBirthday,Winterprinted on the cake.

Thestaff also bring up food and drinks for us.Afterit’s all set up, my brother,Dad, andGraysonall arrive onto the deck.Wecut the cake and they sing happy birthday to me and then we eat.

“Noalcohol for you baby.Idon’t want it to mess with your meds,”Masontells me.

“Yeah.Iknow,”Isay, agreeing with him.Ifonly he knew the full reason whyIdeclined…

Bythe time all the shenanigans are over, it’s dark.Masonpulls me over to the couch and motions for everyone to take a seat as well.Theyall walk over with their drinks in their hands as we all wait to see what’s going to happen next.Masepushes a button on a remote and the roof retracts.Well, damn, that’s pretty neat.

“Happybirthday again, baby.Ihope you had a good day,” he whispers into my ear just as fireworks start to go off.Iwatch mesmerized as the show goes on.Inthe middle of the fireworks are some kinds of light show that blinksHappyBirthday,Winter.Ihave to admit that it’s pretty cool to watch.

Theshow lasts for about thirty minutes andIwatch in awe the whole time because the lights didn’t just do the birthday greeting, it made a whole show of turning into thingsIlove.Theyalso turned into a couple whichI’massuming was us andInow know all of that was possible because the lights were coming from drones, and there were a lot of them.

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