Page 89 of Broken Empire

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Page 89 of Broken Empire

“Wow!Thatwas amazing!”Itell him when the show is finally over.

“You’reamazing,” he whispers, kissing me on the lips.Itturned out to be a really great birthday.

Thenext morning, afterIwake up,Masonhas gone on some errand, so my brother is the one to bring breakfast up for me.I’mnot feeling too good this morning, soIdecide to stay in bed for a while.

Iturn on the television andHuntersits with me asIbegin eating.Ihave to stop a moment later when the news comes on, seeing all the headlines aboutMason’sdad and the many charges against him.

It’shot news right now, apparently because it’s on every single channel inRavenwoodfrom whatIcan tell.

“What’sgoing on?”IaskHunter.

“Uh…Dadturned in all the evidence he had againstAlisterandEmiliato theFBIand well, consider the ball being rolled right now,”

“Wow,”Isay, still staring at the television.Huntertakes the remote from my hand and turns the television off.

“Hey, you okay?Youdon’t look so good,”

“Yeah,I’mfine, just a bit tired is all.”

“Wellget some rest andI’llcome check on you later, okay?”


Heleaves the room andIjust feel the sudden need to get out of here for a little while.Iassume the feds must have picked upAlisterandEmiliaalready, soI’msure the threat on my life is gone andIhave the perfect place to visit.Well,I’mhoping for the best that they have.

Ihop out of bed, take a quick shower, and get dressed.JustasI’mdone dressing there’s a knock on my door.Amoment later it opens andGraysonwalks in.

“Justthe personIwas about to look for,”

“Why?What’swrong?Areyou okay?”

“Yes.I’mfine.Ijust need to get out of here for a while and you’re going to help me,”

“Youcan’t go anywhere!It’snot the best idea.Masonwill kill me ifIhelp you and you know he’s going to look for you.Hewon’t stop until he finds you,”

“Ijust need some time on my own.I’mnot running away;I’llbe back once my head is clear.I’mgoing with or without your help.So, what’s it going to be?”

“Well, where are you planning to go?”

“WheredoesAdelaidelive?Iknow you know becauseI’veheard you guys talking about them.I’mgoing to visit her and you knowI’llbe safe there.Youjust need to help me get out of here first.”IknowI’mrunning again whenIshouldn’t.Ishould stay here and work on my issues withMasonlike an adult butIdon’t want to.

“Whyare you so stubborn?”

“Iwas born this way,”

“Can’tyou be stubborn here instead of another country?”

“No.Lookif you want me to heal then this is howI’mgoing to.Ineed to be away from your brother for a little while.Ipromise it won’t be long.Plus, if you help me with this, you’re off my shit list andIwon’t hold anything that you did or didn’t do against you ever again,”Itell him and he looks up, letting out a sigh, as though he’s trying to find the patience to deal with me or something.

“Fine!I’llhelp you.ButI’mfully forgiven after this and two of the guards are going with you, just to make sure you get there in one piece.Iwould go with you butI’llhave to stay here to make sureMasondoesn’t burn the whole house down when he finds out that you’re gone.”

“Deal.”Itell him and he pulls me in for a hug before kissing me on the forehead.

“Ilove you and please be careful because if anything happens to your ass,I’mdead,” he deadpans andIjust roll my eyes at him.

“Tellhim whereIam, so that he doesn’t spaz the fuck out.Andalso, thatIjust needed some space.Comeon,Iknow you’ve seen the news.Idon’t want to be here while all that shit is going down.It’lldefinitely fuck with my mental health.Sotechnically you’re saving me.”

Hejust grumbles thatI’mhardheaded before he books three first-class tickets toLondonand then he helps me to sneak out of the house.Can’tuse any of our planes because that would just be stupid and get us caught fast sinceI’msureMasonis monitoring that shit in case,Idecide to do whatI’mabout to right now, so first-class it is.

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