Page 92 of Broken Empire
“Thatsounds good, boss.”
“Andjust so no one gets any ideas, if you aren’t on the up and up and you try to delete shit to cover your tracks, just know it all gets documented.Whetherit be your office computer or any other company one for that matter, everything gets recorded to our servers.Sodon’t fuck around,”Isay and watch them all. “Doesanyone have any questions?”
“No, sir,” they all reply.
“Okay.I’llhave my secretary draft up a memo and send it to you all within the next hour or so.Iwant you to send it to all the employees in your departments, so they are aware of what is going on and the changes coming soon.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Alright, you’re all dismissed,”Itell them and they all start to file out of the room.Iwalk back to my new office with the secretary following behind me.OnceI’mback behind the desk,Igive her instructions. “Ineed you to write up the memo letting everyone know about the changes in the company heads and let them know thatI’llhave a meeting with everyone again sometime soon.Forwardit to the department heads, and also our business partners to make sure they all get it.”
“Noproblem, sir.I’mon it,” she says as she leaves my office, closing the door behind her and going to her desk.
I’mpretty sure once the memo goes out that not everyone will be pleased.Ilet out a long sigh.Yep, this is definitely going to be a long few weeks.Itake a moment to think about my baby girl, wondering if she’s even awake yet and what she’s doing.Idecide to send her a text.
Goodmorning, baby girl.Hopeyou slept well.I’msorryIwasn’t there when you woke up, baby.Ihad some things to take care of at the office, butI’lltry to be home as soon asIcan.Ican’t wait to get home.Loveyou, baby, and make sure you eat!
AfterIsendher the text,Ilog onto my father’s computer to see ifIcan sift out anything else that would keep his ass in jail.I’mengrossed in file after file of various things regarding the company when my phone suddenly rings, breaking the silence.
“Hello,”Ianswer without even looking at the callerID.
“Hello, son,”Ihear.
“Hello.Father.WhatcanIdo for you?”
“Idon’t know where you are right now, butI’msure you’ve heard thatI’vebeen arrested on some bullshit charges.Ineed you to come back home, call our lawyers, and put them to work, so that they can get me out of here,” he says.Ijust sit here and listen to him.
Whatan asshole!He’sslick as hell, too.I’mpretty sure he knows thatI’mback inRavenwoodandI’vebeen for a while now, since he got some asshole to hit my girl, causing that accident.Sincehe wants to act dumb, thenIguessIcan play dumb too.
“What?Ididn’t hear anything.Whathappened?Nevermind that,I’llbe home right away andI’llcall the lawyers.”
“Thankyou, son.Whereis your brother?Ihaven’t been able to get in touch with him.”
“I’msure he’s busy with whatever it is that he does on his own time.”
“Oh, okay.Well, make sure you come see me as soon as you get back, soIcan talk to you.Wecan figure out a plan to get me out of here,” he says.
Wow!Ican’t believe his fucking audacity.Ithink the asshole really thinks that we’re dumb and that he's pulled the wool over our eyes.I’msure he thinks that he’ll actually get out of this with our help.Heobviously doesn’t know thatAntonio’sdead or that we know all the shit he’s done where she’s concerned.Whata fucking cunt!
“Alright,Dad, let me go so thatIcan get to you faster.I’llcome and see you as soon asIcan,”Isay and then hang up, not waiting for him to say anything else.There’sanother knock on my door and the secretary pokes her head inside.
“Thememo is done and has been sent to everyone you requested,” she tells me.
“Thankyou,”Itell her and she heads back to her desk.
Icall the two men thatIhadCarterand the guys vet for the temporaryCEOandCOOposition to come up.Iwait for them.I’mnot sure if this is going to be a permanent position or not yet, sinceGrayandIhave a lot of other shit to deal with.Ido know they’re going to be in the big chairs for a year, at least, whileIget our lives sorted.
Oncethey come into my office,Itell them whatIneed from them.Weidentify some kinks and other issues and what we plan on doing to fix them.It’shours later when we can finally wrap up for the day.
WhenIlook at the time,Isee that it’s after five p.m.Shit!Ididn’t realize that it was this late already.Thethree of us leave the office andIsee that my secretary is about ready to leave as well.
Istop to get my girl some flowers and chocolates.Ialso get some pastries from her favorite bakery beforeIhead home.Ican’t wait to see her.Itactually felt likeIlost a limb or some shit today becauseIwas away from her for so long.
Ihave a smile on my face the whole drive home, thinking about her.Iknow she’s going to love her gifts, especially the treats.Mygirl sure does have a sweet tooth, andIcan’t wait to spoil her more.
Ifinally pull up in the driveway and get out, taking her gifts with me.Idon’t bother checking in on my brother orHunter, since they’re probably in the den, like they usually are.Ineed to see my girl first.