Page 93 of Broken Empire
Iwalk up the stairs, excited to see her.Ifeel like a fucking teenager going on his first date, all nervous and shit.Suddenly,Ifeel off. andIdon’t know what the fuck is bringing that on.
WhenIenter our room, it’s dark except for the nightlight.Ican see the bed is empty.Thinkingshe must be in the shower,Ileave her stuff on the bed and head for the bathroom.
WhenIfind that empty as well, my gut starts to hurt a little.Okay,Mason, no need to worry.She’sprobably just downstairs with the guys.Iwalk out of the bathroom with urgency and hurry down the stairs and straight for the den.
Ionly seeHunterandGrayin there, andIdon’t bother making my presence known.Irun around and check the entire house, even the rooftop veranda, and she’s nowhere to be seen.
Now,I’mfucking panicking.Irun all the way back down to the den and burst into the room like the house is on fire.
“Whatthe fuck?”Iyell to no one in particular. “Youtwo had one fucking job!Wherethe fuck is she?”
“Calmdown, man.What’swrong?Whereis who?”Hunterasks, fully alert now.
“Yoursister, asshole!She’smissing!”
“What?Whatthe fuck do you mean, missing?”
“Howthe fuck shouldIknow?Didn’tIask you two dickheads to keep an eye on her?”
“Howdo you even know she’s missing?Shecould be somewhere in the house.”
“Ialready checked!YouthinkI’dbe down here freaking the fuck out ifIdidn’t already check, asshole?”Iyell.Hecan really be annoying sometimes.
“Okay, calm down and listen—”Graysonstarts, but gets cut off when the loud ringing of my phone interrupts us.
“Holdthat thought,”ItellGraybefore answering the call. “Hello?”
“Hey, man.Ijust called to let you know that your girl just got here safely,”Cartersays into the phone.
Mygut turns hollow or maybe that’s my whole being turned inside out, because what the fuck?Ilook at the time and see that it’s six p.m.Calculatingthe ten hours’ time from here toLondonmeans she left not long afterIdid this morning.
Shefucking ran away from me again.Theunbearable painIfeel at his announcement really fucks with my head.
“Thanksfor the call, man.I’mglad she got there safely,”Ianswer.
“Noworries.Well,I’vegot to go.We’llkeep in touch,”Cartersays, before cutting the call off.
“Dideither one of you know that she was going all the way to fuckingLondon?Byherself?”Iyell.IfIdon’t let out my anger,I’llbreak down in front of the two of them.
“Ofcourse not!Graysonsaid she was sleeping and didn’t want to be disturbed.Ileft her alone, thinking she needed the rest because technically she does, you know?”Hunterinforms me, andIturn to my brother.
“Spitit the fuck out, brother!”Isnap at him.
“Well, she didn’t go toLondonby herself.Ibooked the tickets for her andIsent two guards along with her to make sure that she’d be safe.IknowDadandEmiliaare currently in jail, butIstill wanted to make sure she got there safely,”Graysays guiltily.
“Whythe hell would you do that?I’mtrying to keep her safe and you’re sending her all the way to fuckingLondon!”
“Shesaid she wouldn’t be gone for long.Shejust needed some time away to get her head on straight.Plus, she wanted some girl time withAdelaide.Shewants to make sense of everything that’s going on in her life.Shesaid she’ll come back, once she’s cleared her head,” he says.Withevery word that comes out of his mouth, it feels like a dagger to the chest.So,Iwasn’t making her happy?That’swhy she’s running again?
“Ohyeah?Andwhat did you get for helping her, bro?”
“Justfucking say it!”Isnap.
“I’mfully forgiven for whatever happened in the past,” he tells me with a wince.Idon’t know ifIshould feel betrayed or what the fuck to feel, to be honest.