Page 95 of Broken Empire
“Whatthe fuck?”Graysonyells into the room.
“Whatthe hell are you doing, man?You’refucking bleeding!”IhearHunteryell.
“Didn’tItell you two not to bother me?”Islur.
“Areyou trying to kill yourself with alcohol poisoning?”Graysonscreams in what sounds like a scared voice.
“Maybe.Whothe hell cares, man?Andstop being so damn loud.”
“Areyou fucking kidding me right now?”
“Doesit look likeI’mkidding?”
“Seriously, man, you cannot lose your shit right now.Justwait for her to come back,”Huntertells me.
“Andwhat if she doesn’t?Huh?Shefucking left again!Howmany times doIhave to live through her running away from me?NothingI’mfucking doing is good enough for her!Justleave me here to die, you assholes!”
“No!”Graysonyells at me.
“I’mnot fucking leaving you here to die, asshole!”Huntergrowls. “Helpme get him to sit up so we can take the glass out of his skin.”
“Justfucking leave it!I’mtired of you two dickheads being here, ya know?”
“Idon’t fucking care!Youlook like you’re two fucking seconds away from alcohol poisoning and you’re bleeding.Wehave to get it looked at!”
“Don’tyou get it?Idon’t fucking care anymore!Whatis even the point of living anymore when she’s not here?Idon’t care about the bleeding on my body because my soul feels like it’s bleeding.Thathurts way fucking worse,”Igrumble.
“She’llbe back.What’sgoing to happen if something happens to you?”
“Sheprobably won’t even care.Imean, if she did, then she wouldn’t have left me in the first place.Again,Imight add.Can’tshe fucking see thatI’mtrying?I’mtrying so hard and it means nothing to her,”Isay, my voice cracking as sobs racks my body.
“Fuckinghell!Idon’t know what to say to the two of you,”Huntergrumbles.
Ifeel them touch my chest, stomach, back and hands to take out all the glass shards that were stuck in my skin.Hunterthen hauls me up and throws me over his shoulder.
“Putme down, you ass!”Islur.
“No.You’rejust being a menace to yourself and us.”
“Well, excuse the fuck out of me for being in pain becauseI’mdealing with a broken heart.”
“She’sgoing to come back, dickhead.She’snot going to be gone forever.”
“Sheshouldn’t have left in the first place,”Imumble.
“Ineed you to get your shit together because you’re the only familyIhave left!”Graysonsnaps at me, just asHuntergently puts me down onto my bed.
“Getthe first aid kit for your brother,”HuntertellsGray, and he rushes into my bathroom to grab it.Ilet out a groan asIfeel my world spinning.Thecuts are beginning to hurt andIalso have a headache.
“Hmm, are you in pain?”Hunterasks.
“Good.That’sthe consequence of your actions, asswipe.”
“Noone asked your dumbass,”Imutter.Huntertakes out the shards of glass still stuck in my body before he uses gauze pads with antiseptic solution to wipe the cuts and clean them.Itfucking stings, causing me to let out a yell. “Sonof a bitch!Youdid that shit on purpose, didn’t you?”
“Whateverdo you mean?I’mjust cleaning your cuts so they don’t get infected,”