Page 62 of Lord of Vice
She turned to face me at that point, searching my eyes. “You’re serious.”
“It’s possible. You knew about the trafficking and that’s not something they want spread. Don’t worry. They won’t be able to get to you as long as you follow the rules.”
While she opened her mouth, likely to spout her usual retort, we both heard a growl from inside. I was surprised we could hear it so well through the closed glass door.
She peered around me, narrowing her eyes. “But aren’t you more powerful?”
“Let’s just say the two men and I have a dark history.”
When Remington growled again, she walked around me, immediately opening the door to head inside. “Something is wrong.”
As soon as she said the words, another wave of knowing kicked in. “Wait. Wait!” I rushed after her, all time suddenly coming to a stop.
As the hairs stood up on the back of my neck, I immediately went for my weapon just as she caught sight of me, her eyes opening wide.
And before I could scream at her to get down, all hell broke loose.
Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!
It was coming from every direction.
Men in hoodies moving like shadowy assassins.
Screaming, I had no idea what to do, no understanding of how this could have occurred. I could hear Kraven’s bellows, but everything was in a giant bubble, the echoes pinging in my ears. And I could swear time had slowed to one tenth of its normal speed.
Terrified, I dove to the floor out of instinct, grabbing Remington by the collar. He was barking and whimpering, matching the brutal thudding of my heart. I couldn’t see, the single light in the suite full of ominous shadows.
I was sick. Certain I was going to die. When I felt a hand on my face, I jumped. Kraven. I was thrilled to see him alive but knewit wasn’t going to be that way for long. There were too many of them. Oh, God. Oh, God. “Kraven…”
“Go. Go. Go!” he yelled. I knew he was talking to me. There was no way to get to the door. None.
Perhaps if I survived, I would look back wondering how I’d been able to move at all, but without needing to give a single command, I raced toward the corridor leading to the bedrooms, every gunshot fired echoing in my ears. There wasn’t a chance the man trying to save my life would survive. There were too many assailants. My mind was fried, my thoughts nothing but irrational jumbles. How had the monsters gotten in? What was going on?
I made it into the bathroom, slamming and locking the door. “Please. Please. Please.” As if that was going to do any good. The barrier wouldn’t hold. If the monsters wanted me, they would get me.
Remington whined and I pulled him closer, sitting on the floor as far away from the door as possible. I had no weapon, no way of protecting myself. All I could do was pull my sweet puppy closer, wrapping my arms around him in hopes I could keep him safe.
He whined but God love the furry baby, his tail was still wagging. I was sick, my stomach in knots, my mind a blur. Kraven had been right. But how had we been sabotaged here?
Another round of gunfire forced me to cover my ears. I cinched my eyes closed, praying for the first time in a very long time. Seconds or minutes later, I shifted my hands away. A single gunshot was followed by utter silence.
The deafening kind.
Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock.
I lifted my head, trying to catch my breath. The seconds ticked by then another single shot that forced a yelp from my mouth. The assailants were picking off those remaining alive. Oh, God. I was next.
What if Kraven was dead?
Suddenly, there were voices but muffled given my location. Were they coming from the men who’d attacked us?
More sounds.