Page 54 of Heartless
There was something familiar about the way that he looked at her.
I realize that I’ve been staring at her for a bit too long, and I’ve missed every word that she said. Instead, I was focused on looking at her and my husband standing beside one another, looking like the perfect power couple.
“I’m sorry, what?”
She smiles. “The mural. Do you like it?”
“Yes, it’s beautiful.”
“It’s not complete yet, but I convinced the executive management team, including Onyx, that we should do something to liven up these drab walls. There are going to be several down each hallway, but this is the first one.”
I look at Onyx and he smiles weirdly at me, looking sick. After our argument last night, I woke up early this morning and apologized to him. I can’t help but wonder if the late nights that he recently started working have something to do with her presence.
I chide myself because my husband is a damn good man. I’ve placed a lot of stress on him lately with my whirlwind of emotions, but he’s still a good man.
“Alicia told me that you paint,” Sharla says.
I slant a glance at Onyx’s executive administrative assistant wondering why she felt the need to speak on me. Why were either of them discussing me?
“Um, yeah, I play around. Nothing professional.”
“We’re inviting local artists from the community to participate in designing the murals. We’re thinking of landscapes and landmarks around Charleston. What do you think? Would you be interested?”
I glance at my husband, who shrugs and scratches his eyebrow. “It’s up to you. It’s a great idea, but...your decision to make,” Onyx adds.
I look at him darkly and struggle not to roll my eyes. I get the impression that he doesn’t really want me to do it, but he can’t tell me that. Not in front of his assistant and...Sharla, whomever she’s supposed to be.
“When it’s finished, we plan to invite the news media in, some photographers, a few art galleries, and the local art schools to come and check it out. Some of the people we’ve extended an invitation to are excited about the possibility of showcasing their art. I thought we might even make it a special night for the community. Perhaps hire a band or orchestra, maybe do some sort of fundraiser, and you could possibly choreograph a dance to put on for the guests,” she suggests with a smile.
My belly knots, and I look from Onyx to Sharla. Is she serious right now? I don’t want or need to showcase my art to anyone. That’s personal and not something I’ve ever put on display for anyone. As far as my dancers are concerned, I haven’t choreographed anything in a while, and I’m not particularly inspired to do it now.
I force a smile to my lips, nodding. “I’ll think about it and let my husband know.”
“I’m sure that Onyx would be proud to have your works displayed here in his business. Wouldn’t you?” she asks, looking at him before finally looking at me.
That pisses me off because he doesn’t need her to speak for him. And then it hits me like a punch to the solar plexus. She’s into him, like really into him. I mean, who wouldn’t be because Onyx is handsome and fine as hell? He has a swimmer’s body with broad shoulders, a tapered waist and a strong back, arm and leg muscles. Although he’s in his mid-thirties, he still has abs of steel.
His full, thick red lips are pouty and kissably soft. Dark curly hair swirls in varying directions on his head, and that same soft hair covers his jaws and chin and forms a gorgeous mustache above his lips. Thanks to his mixed parentage, he has gorgeous golden skin with a hint of bronze.
My husband towers over both of us comfortably at six-three.
I swallow thickly, and my hands reach out to take Onyx’s fingers into my own. Looking up at him, I see that his jaw is working, and I wonder what he’s thinking. I once could read his mind, but lately, I’ve been shut out.
Or rather, I’ve blocked myself out.
“Again, let me think on it and I’ll let Onyx know what I want to do. Is there a deadline, Onyx?”
He pulls his gaze away from some distant place and smiles down at me and I know the smile is fake. With a nod, he says, “You can take all the time you need, sweetheart.”
I look between the two of them now, and I see her staring at him again with that same enamored expression as before. I can tell that she wishes she was holding his hand or that he was looking at her instead of me.
I can’t help but wonder if he feels the same way about her that she so clearly feels about him.
She swallows and looks away before she says, “Okay. Well, if that will be all, I’ll let you two get back to it.”
Onyx clears his throat and says, “Uh, yes. Sharla, is there a deadline on this thing? I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself.”
This is so unlike my husband to defer to someone else for a decision, especially involving his business.