Page 34 of Sapphire Scars
The sides soared as high as a two-story building, the walls covered in twisted plants and stunted, ugly trees. No vines to climb. No convenient rope to scale. Unless we were rock climbers, getting out of here would be almost impossible.
And with Peter…
Almost as if the thought struck all of us at the same time, we made eye contact and slouched.
We could get out…possibly.
We could clamber to the top…maybe.
But Peter?
Even if he woke again, he wouldn’t be able to use his hands and feet to scale anything, let alone a freaking mountain.
“Well, crap.” Rachel scrubbed her face. “Perhaps one of us gets out and finds Victor? The gong will have gone by now.” She pointed at the rapidly darkening sky. “It’s past twilight, and he’s a stickler for rules. The Masters will have to be on their best behaviour again.”
“You could go.” Mollie cocked her chin at me, her shoulder length blonde hair swinging. “Find Master H. He’s Victor’s latest pet project. He could bring a few guards to haul Peter out.”
The instant his name soaked into my ears, my dead heart fisted and came alive again. Its unwillingness to thump since we’d entered the Temple of Facets was now replaced with a very real, very annoying pounding.
I hated that it thrummed in longing.
That it turned traitor by whispering he could fix this.
I scowled.
He wouldn’t fix this.
He would make this worse.
He hated Peter.
He tolerated nothing and no one.
I crossed my achy arms.
He tolerates you.
He kissed you…
I froze as our kiss exploded in my head.
My lips tingled.
My insides melted.
How had a simple kiss become the hottest thing we’d shared?
That damn kiss burned my blood and turned me into an addict for more.
“I hate to say it, Ily, but Mols is right. If you found Henri, he’d have to obey the rules. Victor’s agreed to let him live here permanently, but that graciousness only goes as far as Master H’s obedience.”
“Did I hear someone mention Master H?”
All three of us spun around.
My heart leapt into my mouth.