Page 35 of Sapphire Scars
Rachel cursed.
Mollie froze.
And I brandished the knife on instinct as four Masters appeared.
Sprigs of leaves and foliage debris caped their shoulders as if they’d brushed through an autumn garden. My eyes narrowed as I looked past them, studying the cave walls for a hidden exit.
They hadn’t come in the way we had.
That means…there’s another way.
Mollie and Rachel squished closer to me, forming a wall before Peter on the ground.
The Masters chuckled, their eyes skating over our bloody, dirty bodies.
An older one said, “Well, well, you have been in the wars.”
A younger one with a thin chin strap and oily brown hair snickered. “Where on earth did you get a knife? It looks kinda cute on you.”
My arm trembled, but I didn’t lower the weapon. “Leave us alone.”
The men all laughed, their amusement like sick music.
“I lost my blade somewhere in the caves.” The Master with brown hair grinned like a jackal. “Thank you for giving me one. I would’ve hated to miss out on claiming my prize.”
“Fuck you and fuck your friends.” I bared my teeth. “It’s over. The game is over. You lost.”
“Oh, I never lose, little jewel.” He cocked his head. “Besides, you look as if you’ve been warmed up nicely. Rather…tenderised.” He laughed quietly. “I do love the sight of blood in the evening.”
Chills scattered over my skin.
Mollie shivered just once.
Licking his lips, the Master kept his eyes locked on us, refusing to look at his companions. He stood alone as if he’d led the party but wanted nothing to do with those who’d followed him.
Hefting his paintball gun, he clucked his tongue. “Because you’ve done me a favour by bringing a knife to our party, I’ll give you a favour right back.” He pouted. “I do so hate being the bearer of bad news, but…if you’re looking for Master H, he’s not coming. Your worthless Master took a beating from a blowhole at the start of the game. He left, I’m afraid. I hear he’s back at the castle, enjoying a beer at this very moment, all while sticking his dick in some other slut.”
I wasn’t prepared for how violently that picture hurt.
How the thought of Henri touching another made my insides knot into thorns.
He chuckled as I braced myself against such a ridiculous response. “A little possessive, are we? Fancy that you’re his only plaything?” He shook his head and clucked his tongue again. “You poor deluded little thing.” Raising his gun, he aimed directly between my breasts. “Tell you what, I’ll put you out of your misery. I’ll be the Master he never could and release you from all this pain.”
The nude-coloured underwear barely covered me.
The bullseye on my skin distorted and smeared.
But the lines were still visible.
Marking the spot for his bullet.
Mollie and Rachel looked at one another.
The comradery between us faltered with fear.
We could’ve fought off one Master together.
Maybe even two.