Page 42 of Sapphire Scars
“Get off me, you cunt.” Grabbing a handful of pebbles, Kyle threw them into Henri’s face.
With a grunt, Henri fell back. Clawing at his eyes, he gave Kyle a split-second window to shoot to his feet.
He launched himself at Henri.
The two men went wheeling back, fists flying, bodies twisting.
Kyle might be smaller, but his temper kept him evenly matched.
“We have to go.” Rachel tugged my arm. “We’ll follow where the other Masters went. I know them. They’re sick, but they’re afraid of Victor, so they won’t touch us now the game is over.”
“I agree.” Mollie took my hand. “Let’s grab Peter and—”
Henri bellowed as Kyle kicked him in the balls, then charged to the fallen knife.
“No!” I raced toward him, desperate to get the blade before Kyle did.
We arrived together.
I ducked for it.
Pain as he backhanded me and sent me flying.
In a blur of tears, I watched as he fisted the knife and bolted toward Henri.
“Watch out!” I screamed.
Lowering his hands from between his legs, blinking past grit, Henri braced himself just as Kyle launched through the sky and stabbed him.
The blade sank into Henri’s bicep, the tip vanishing into his arm.
For a moment, nothing happened.
Nobody moved.
And then…whatever strings existed in Henri frayed completely.
He didn’t seem real.
Not human.
With the smoothest arc as if he were a dancer in a past life, Henri snatched the knife out of his arm, grabbed Kyle by the throat, and shoved it into his jugular.
Kyle screeched.
A fountain of red exploded, covering Henri’s t-shirt.
“Oh my God,” Mollie gasped.
Rachel moved to my side.
None of us looked away as Henri deposited Kyle almost gently on the ground, dropped to one knee as he watched Kyle’s lifeforce pump out of his throat, and then…withdrew the knife, wiped the blade on Kyle’s slacks, and pierced it directly into his heart.
The crunch of ribs as he stabbed hard.
The whimper from Kyle as he died.
The blur of Henri’s arm as he withdrew the knife and stabbed again and again and again.