Page 43 of Sapphire Scars
He didn’t stop.
He kept going.
A blood-covered savage as he turned a person into nothing more than a hunk of meat.
Chapter Eight
Blood and death.
Nothing else existed.
Just darkness and dying and the despicable need to slaughter.
To eradicate this world of filth.
To end all life that didn’t deserve to live.
To end myself.
I lost count how many times I killed him.
How many times I drove that blade into his flesh.
It became meditative.
This was what I was.
And alone.
Always, always alone.
I would’ve kept stabbing if a voice didn’t call me back.
A voice I recognised but wasn’t the one that leashed me.
A voice that caused jealousy and annoyance and worry.
Such worry that I would never be worthy.
Such fear that I would always lose.
“Master H…”
A man’s baritone.
I ignored him.