Page 30 of Precious Things
Benjamin waved his hand in dismissal. "Fine. Westmoreland blew off some steam, I doused his argument, and he gave in. He left me the freedom to run my funds the way I want. The way they're supposed to be run. We go through this about this time every year, especially when the markets are giving us the worst headaches. You just haven't been here long enough to have the pleasure of seeing it."
"I wish someone had warned me."
Benjamin's shoulders shook with silent laughter. "What, and take all the fun out of it?"
She laughed and looked away. Her pulse pounded at her throat as she struggled to keep her breath at a normal pace, but her skin tingled and her breasts ached from his closeness. His aftershave played on her senses like a potent aphrodisiac of pure male pheromones. As inconspicuously as possible, Jewell took in a deep breath through her nostrils and relished in the heady effect.
She jumped and caught her breath when Benjamin twisted on the couch and reclined, barely getting her portfolio out of the way before he settled his head into her lap. He closed his eyes, giving her no means of argument. A subtle smirk rested on his lips. At first, Jewell sat motionless, her arms held up to keep from touching him. Then he rocked his shoulders and his head settled further against her thighs. One eye opened, looked at her, winked, and closed again. Benjamin sighed deeply in contentment.
Jewell smiled and dropped the portfolio to the floor beside the couch. Unable to resist the temptation, she lowered her hands. One rested on his chest, her palm on the soft silk of his tie. The other fulfilled a fantasy she dreamed about for weeks.
Jewell fought down a gasp when her fingers combed through the softness of his hair. She started at his brow and ran her fingernails along his scalp to his crown. The beautiful golden waves wrapped around her fingers and slid over her skin like satin. It was thick and alive, and amazingly sensual.
Benjamin's chest rose and fell beneath her other hand. She smoothed her palm down his tie and continued to caress his hair.
"This is dangerous," he said softly but didn't open his eyes. "But it feels incredible."
She wanted to whisper, "Why is it dangerous?" but the tactic of keeping his eyes closed prevented any further discussion without forcing the issue. That was something Jewell didn't want to do. They both shifted to get more comfortable. Benjamin swung his legs over the arm of the couch and folded his hands across his flat abdomen, and Jewell wiggled deeper into the soft cushions and tilted her body into him.
This felt nice, very nice. So comfortable and natural. They could be sitting in the living room at home rather than in his office. She stroked his hair and hummed softly to herself. Benjamin's hand moved up and covered hers, holding it firmly against his chest. His heartbeat drummed beneath her fingertips. Soon, the rhythm of his breathing slowed and grew deeper. The features of his face relaxed. All tension in his body fell away. Jewell smiled and almost laughed. He was asleep in her lap. How sweet was that? A low sound in the back of his throat worked its way out and Jewell stifled her giggle behind her hand.
She stroked his forehead with her fingertips and followed the chiseled line of his cheekbone. This was a rare opportunity, to examine him in such a relaxed and natural state. In sleep, his countenance lost the harsh sternness that often furrowed his brow. Jewell stroked her hand over his shoulders and down his arms, as she memorized the contours of his muscles through the crisp cotton of his shirt.
"Oh, Benjamin," she whispered to herself. "What am I going to do about you?" Jewell pressed her fingertips against her lips and transferred the kiss to his mouth with a gentle touch.
His hand snapped up and strong fingers gently wrapped around her wrist. Jewell gasped and looked down into deep brown eyes that glowed with a sheen of purpose. Benjamin sat up, not releasing his hold on her wrist. He held her in his stare as he rose off the couch, turned, and knelt one knee into the cushion beside her. She was vaguely aware of the shifting sound of the leather cushions as he moved.
Jewell couldn't breathe. Her heart pounded an erratic and rapid tempo against her ribs. Benjamin's intense look sent waves of warmth over her skin. With her wrist still held captive, she could do little but look up at him and melt beneath his overpowering presence. He touched her cheek with his other hand. The rough pad of his thumb ran across her lower lip and Jewell's eyes fluttered shut.
The revisiting of his lips against hers was the reliving of a sweet dream. He drew her into the kiss without effort, sipping at her mouth with sensual tenderness. A soft moan escaped from the back of her throat and her free hand moved to his side.
They shifted together on the leather couch, their only communication a physical response to each other. The delicious weight of Benjamin's body pressed her back into the soft upholstery. He released her wrist and moved his hands to her hips. With an open mouth, Benjamin's kiss pummeled her body with sensation. The hot tip of his tongue probed persistently, requesting entry. Jewell parted her lips and met his demand. His tongue made a slow entrance to caress her own, stealing her breath as the circuit sparked between them.
Without breaking the contact of their lips, Benjamin shifted her body and nestled his hips against hers. Jewell gasped. Tingling sensations raced over her body.
His tongue probed deeper, demanding an equal response. She could not deny him. Jewell clung to him, spinning out of control, as the kiss deepened.
Her body arched and Jewell pulled back when his hot palm pressed against the bare flesh of her stomach. Shock and sensibility suddenly overtook the sweet sensations of his kiss from a moment ago. Benjamin responded immediately. He pressed his hands into the cushions of the couch and lifted his weight off her. His deep gaze scanned her face, concern and question as evident in them as their rich color.
A flutter danced around her heart. The grip of a steel fist clenched her gut. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing would come. Jewell curled her fingers into the fabric of his shirt in a desperate attempt to hang on to the delicious pleasure of his nearness.
Benjamin shifted off one arm, the weight of his body increasing slightly. He caressed her cheek with his fingertips and a smile hinted at his lips. He leaned down and pressed a long kiss against her cheek before shifting and standing to his feet.
She immediately felt the loss of his touch. Hot tears burned her eyes, but she choked back the sentiment and sat up, straightening her skirt with a rough jerk. She covered her eyes with her hand and leaned her elbow into her knee. Mortification burned hot in her cheeks.
Benjamin stood near her. She was painfully aware of his presence without even opening her eyes. A nauseating pain shot through her stomach as she wondered what he might be thinking at that moment. Jewell wrapped her arms around her abdomen to ward off the queasiness. It was one thing to let whatever this was develop between them, it was another thing to be so…she didn't even have words.
He sat back down beside her, his feet set apart with his hands clasped together in the space between his knees. She couldn't look at him, too embarrassed by the way she'd responded, here of all places. His office. His couch. The worst part of it was that she didn't want him to stop. She couldn't remember a time when she'd been so…shameless. Her mother certainly had taught her better.
Benjamin reached out and took her hand. His fingers laced between hers and the other covered their linked hands in a gentle squeeze. She could only bring herself to look at the joined fingers. The simple act of holding his hand calmed her nerves and eased the tumultuous fluttering in her stomach. Jewell took a deep breath and lifted her chin to meet his gaze.
He kissed the back of her hand before releasing it. "I've wanted to kiss you for three days. I didn't anticipate…" He smiled his slow, sexy smile and paused in his signing to run his fingertip along her jawline. "I didn't realize how quickly I am capable of losing control with you."
"I was just thinking the same thing," she signed with a nervous grin.
"I'm sorry."
"I can't say I am. I should be, but I'd be lying."