Page 31 of Precious Things
His slow, sexy smile sent short bursts of energy through Jewell's bloodstream. Benjamin slapped his hands on his knees and stood, walked to his desk, and turned to lean against the edge. Jewell relaxed back into the couch cushions. The smile meant only for her remained on his lips. A huge part of her wanted to call him back to sit next to her and continue where they left off.
"You should know something before you come tonight," he finally said. "My sister is staying with me. She'll be at the townhouse when you arrive, but I believe she intends to go out with her fiancé."
Jewell smiled and stood, taking a single step closer to him. "That's great. I'd love to meet your sister."
Benjamin reached for her hand, and she let him take it, drawing her closer to him. He touched her cheek with his other fingers, his gaze shifting as he studied her. Something about the way his features softened when he looked at her made her hold her breath.
A soft rap at the office door made her jump. She pointed towards the door and stepped back. They definitely had to find a better place to be alone than an office with people coming and going. That thought in and of itself was a contradiction in propriety. She quickly moved to the chair opposite Benjamin's at the desk.
"Come on in, April," she called as she sat down.
April came in, a package in one hand and a day planner in the other. She sat down in the chair adjacent to Jewell's and Benjamin moved behind his desk. A small smirk tugged at Jewell's lips when she saw him inconspicuously refasten a button on his shirt that must have come undone. The three of them went over phone calls, scheduled meetings, and upcoming projects. Jewell only dared one or two sideways glances in Benjamin's direction, but each time she found him surreptitiously watching her. His sexy smile was ever-present and always succeeded in warming her blood. It would be a very long day.
* * *
Victoria sat on the kitchen island and watched Benjamin move around the large space. He set a variety of fresh vegetables on the counter near her and chopped up a head of iceberg lettuce. With a mischievous grin, she stole a baby carrot and popped it in her mouth.
"This must be some hot chick to have you slaving in the kitchen for her," she signed. "You don't bring out your culinary skills for just anyone. Chicken Parmigiana, fresh garlic bread, homemade pasta, and salad? I hope you took out a good wine."
Benjamin smirked. "Of course. A delicious merlot."
He chopped and dumped the vegetables into a large glass bowl. His baby sister continued to steal carrots and olives, and he ignored each theft. He thought it was funny, but hid his amusement by keeping his face down. Once the salad was done, he wrapped it and moved on to breading the boneless chicken breasts. After getting everything combined in a glass pan and in the oven, Benjamin sat down on a tall stool and sipped his cola. Victoria was still on her perch on the counter.
"I thought you didn't date women you work with," she pointed out with a wink.
Benjamin wondered how long it would take for her to get to the question. "For Jewell, I think I might make an exception."
Victoria's jaw dropped.
Benjamin raised the hand that held his soda and shrugged. "Don't act so surprised. I said I might, not that I would."
"You already have. I've never known you to see a woman more than three or four times. Most women can't stand your attitude much longer than that. As far as I know, you didn't care if they liked it or not. Are you telling me this woman is special enough to make you change your bachelor ways?"
He smiled and set down his drink. "She's very special."
Victoria made a surprised face. "Is she the one?" She emphasized 'the one' with over-dramatic movements of her hands and widened her eyes.
Benjamin shook his head. "You know me, Vicki. I'm incapable of taking care of another human being. Isn't that what Old Jonny Boy always said?"
"Since when do you believe anything Daddy ever said about you? You didn't listen when you were a kid, why would you listen now?"
He shrugged. His sister was right. Why he let some things his son of a bitch father said get through, while completely ignoring others, was just as much a mystery to him as to his sister. When his father told him he would be lucky if he ever graduated from high school, he pushed himself harder than anyone else and graduated not only with honors but also early. His father called him a deaf-mute and swore he would never function in the real world. Benjamin couldn't change the deaf part, but he worked for years to master speech and lip reading. Jonathan Roth complained Benjamin would be a financial burden for the rest of his life. So, what did Benjamin do? As soon as he graduated high school, he never accepted another dime from his father. He went to college on a full academic scholarship and worked his way through graduate school. It didn't take many years before Benjamin went from living in a one-room studio over a Chinese laundry to a multi-level townhouse in Cambridge.
"You're ten times the man he is, Ben. Don't let him ruin something for you by not letting it happen. You've never opened your heart to love." Her eyes shined with moisture. "Love can be a salvation. It can save your life."
He raised his hands and shoulders in a questioning shrug. "Who's talking love? I just made her dinner."
"Have you ever cooked for a woman before?"
He shook his head in answer.
"Then I guess there's a first time for everything," she signed with a smirk.
Victoria hopped down from the counter and came to him. She kissed his cheek and Benjamin put his arm around her. Then she ruffled his hair.
"Benny's got a girlfriend."
He shoved her back playfully. "Cut that out."