Page 100 of Beast: Part One
“Now, you’re eating like Hulk.”
Gabe smiles proudly as he continues to eat his pancake with his father copying him. My heart melts, my nipples harden, and my pussy does that little gripping thing like it’s trying to hug something that isn’t there.
Gabriel is already stunning, but nothing can get my panties wet faster than seeing him bond with his son. Even when I came up with the idea to have him spend time with Gabe, I didn’t expect this outcome. But watching him change the way he eats to share a moment with Gabe has me ready to throw all caution and common sense to the wayside and ask him to stay. Thankfully, I know better than that.
We finished our breakfast. Gabe entertained us with all the history of his favorite Marvel Characters.
I grab the plates off the table but get stopped when Gabriel takes them from me. I look up into his eyes.
“I’ll do it,” he says piling the rest of the dirty dishes in his hand and carrying them over to the sink.
Gabe runs off toward his room, leaving me alone with Gabriel. I walk over to the sink beside him.
“I’ll help.” I announce before opening the dishwasher.
As Gabriel rinses the dishes I place them in the dishwasher. We work in silence for a moment before I break it.
“If you keep this up, I might not let you leave,” I say jokingly.
Gabriel turns to me but continues washing the dishes. You never realize how huge he is until you’re standing beside him, and he dwarfs you and takes up most of the space.
He lifts a brow. “Keep what up?”
“Helping me around the house, bonding with Gabe,” I explain. “I may hide that little black duffle bag when it’s time for you to go.”
His lips lift in that minute way of his. He hands me the last plate. I place it in the dishwasher.
“I can always buy another black duffle.”
I cut my eyes over to him and roll them. “You know what I mean, smartass.”
He turns off the faucet, wipes his hands, and turns to face me. He runs a finger over the bridge of my nose to my cheek. I’m assuming following the grouping of my freckles.
“You don’t want me to stay, Summer.”
“Oh really. And why is that?” I ask folding my arms across my chest.
“Because if I stayed, Gabe would be the only male other than myself that would be allowed to put a smile on your face without facing the consequences.”
My mouth falls open at his threat. Wait a minute, is Gabriel jealous? I mull that over in my head. The man that is adamant about leaving. The guy that never reached out the entire time he was locked up. There is no way he’s jealous. Even the thought of it seems silly.
I close my mouth and roll my eyes. “Ha Ha. Whatever, Gabriel,” I say taking his comment as the joke I’m sure it is.
Before he can say anything else, my phone goes off.
I turn away from him, drying my hands on the dishtowel, I answer the call.
“Hello, Ms. Jones. This is Professor Aiken, I was wondering if you still planned to meet with me this morning about your final paper.”
I smack my hand to my forehead. No way I forgot about this meeting. I pull the phone from my ear to look at the time before placing it back.
“Oh my goodness, Professor. I am so sorry. I completely forgot.”
“It’s alright. You’re in luck. I don’t have anyone coming in for the next hour or so. If you can still make it I’ll be here.”
“Yes, give me twenty minutes.”