Page 101 of Beast: Part One
“See you then.”
I hang up with the professor.
“What’s wrong?” Gabriel asks, his brow pinching.
“I completely forgot about my meeting this morning. I can’t miss this. It’s my final paper before graduation.” I rush out of the kitchen into the mudroom to grab my shoes and purse. “I’ll be back in an hour.”
“What about Gabe?”
“Shit,” I groan, running a hand through my braids. “It will take too long to take him to Trina’s. And he can’t go with me. He will be bored out of his mind. Wait,” I say as the idea hits me. “You can watch him.”
“No.” He turns around and heads back toward the kitchen. I follow behind him.
“Gabriel, please. I need your help. I won’t be gone long.”
He turns to face me pulling up short. He starts pacing in front of me. I know his thoughts are probably getting the best of him at the moment.
“I can’t. What if something happens? What if I hurt him?” He pulls at his hair.
Gently, I place a hand on his arm. He stops pacing and gazes down at me with real fear in his eyes.
“You’ll be fine. Your son is not a piece of China. Just ask him what he wants to do and hang out with him. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” I can still see the hesitation on his face. I play my last card.
“Please, Gabriel. I need you.”
He stares down at me for a moment, making me think he may not agree to this. But eventually he nods his head.
“Thank you,” I say exhaling in relief. “Gabe,” I call for my son and he comes rushing down the stairs.
I kneel down in front of him. “I have to go handle some business. Hulk will stay with you. Be on your best behavior and remember to…”
“Use my words,” he finishes my statement.
“Good. I’ll be back.”
Standing up straight, I give one more glance to Gabriel before grabbing my purse and rushing out. There is no way this can go bad.
It took less than forty-five minutes to sit down with my professor. Other than some minor notes on style and a little more detail, my paper is good to go. I rush back to my car. I wasn’t worried that Gabriel would hurt Gabe, but I also respected him enough to know that this is new and out of his norm. I didn’t want to push him too far.
As I approach my car, I notice two men standing near it. They aren’t threatening or anything. They were only talking. One was sitting in the driver’s side in car beside me, and the other guy was leaning against my passenger door. Behind my car was a large pickup truck blocking me in.
I continue to my car, assuming they will see me and move. The one leaning on my car with the baseball cap looks at me before standing up straight.
Climbing in the driver seat, I wait for him to move his truck. When neither of the men move toward the pickup, I realize maybe the vehicle doesn’t belong to either of them.
I get back out my car. “Excuse me,” I say nicely. They continue their conversation as if I haven’t said anything.
“Ummm excuse me,” I say once again a little louder.
The guy with the baseball cap that was leaning against my car turns to look at me.
“Hi.” I smile politely. “Do either of you know whose truck that is.”
They both look at the truck as if just seeing it.
“It’s mine,” baseball hat says.