Page 58 of Finding Emotion
“Fuck!” Skylar screamed, stumbling back the step it took to press herself against the wall. She slid down it as her breath didn’t return from the scream. Hands dug her shoulders into the floor. No, she wasn’t lying down. It was only her mind fucking with her again. Her arms curled around her legs, aching with how tightly they gripped. She couldn’t breathe. Her head slumped forward as the voices all jumbled in her mind.
Sorcha’s laughter.
The different grunts and moans each guy made when they ejaculated inside her.
“Stop squirming, you fucking slut!”
“I’ll hold her legs wider so you can lick her.”
“She’s so wet she’s dripping now. Or is that your nasty cum?”
“Pinch her clit and she’ll milk you like she did me.”
More laughter and grunting and her own pathetic voice asking them to stop, to let her up, and then just the word no over and over, though maybe that was only in her head.
Skylar stared at the carpet where she’d slumped over as the echoes inside her finally faded. Her panting had slowed into shallow but even breaths. Her heart and head continued to pound in a rhythm she could feel under her skin. She tried to not think.
Not thinking was always the problem. Her eyes shifted listlessly around the music room. Last time she’d been there, Damon had been with her, practicing his song. The notes he’d repeated began to fill her ears despite the quiet. Her throat was still too tight to sing the words. Instead, a humming slid out of her as she lost herself in the sappy melody.
Damon waited impatiently for the elevator doors to slide open. He’d felt anxious since leaving Erin’s house. It really was silly, missing Skylar after less than a day.
Seeing Mandy made hope simmer inside him. Skylar’s manager was stepping back from Jimmy, extricating her arm from him with a frown.
“I won’t change my mind,” she told his manager.
Damon stepped off the elevator. “Everything all right?”
Jimmy ran his hand through his hair as he turned toward him. “Fine. How was Erin?”
“Too willing to share, like usual. You know my sister.” Damon shrugged. “I gave you the night off, Jimmy. Something up?”
“Just wanted to talk to Mandy about the videos. Skylar nailed it, didn’t she?” Jimmy glanced at Skylar’s manager again, his smile falling as she stared back at him over her glasses.
“Indeed,” she agreed, but the word didn’t sound happy.
“If you’re turning in, Dame, I’ll head out.” Jimmy gestured toward the elevator. “Coming along, Ms. Perfect Manager?”
Mandy shook her head. “Skylar asked me to pick up a few things.”
Damon’s slim hope died. That meant she wasn’t there.
Jimmy slapped his shoulder as he passed. “Told you breakfast this morning was too cutesy for a rock star like her. Text me if you need anything.” Damon watched him jab the elevator button.
Damon turned back to Skylar’s button-downed manager. “You said you were picking up a few things. Does that mean Skylar’s pulling an all-nighter at the college?”
Mandy watched the elevator doors close behind Jimmy before she focused her gaze on him. “I lied.”
Damon glanced at the closed bedroom door. “So she’s here? Why’d you lie about that?” He remembered Jimmy’s crush. “Oh, was my manager too interested? He’s a big fan of hers, but I’ll talk to him.”
“No, you were correct about her working at the college. I lied about her sending me here to pick up a few things. I came here to talk to you, Mr. Lynch.”
Being called that reminded him of his father. He stuffed his hands in his jeans pockets. “You can call me Damon.” Her eyes studying him behind those glasses made him squirm. “So, what’s up? Why did you want to talk to me?”
She folded her arms, the fingers of one hand tapping her elbow. “That video you warned me about. The one of you and Skylar having intercourse in the hotel gym. Why did you tell me about it but not your manager?”
Damon flushed at the reminder that he’d made an accidental sex tape. “It seemed like you’d take care of it.”
“Is that the only reason?”