Page 59 of Finding Emotion
It flustered Damon to think of their physical activities being captured on film, but he’d been more worried Skylar’s panic attack had been caught on tape. He frowned at her manager. “You said the video didn’t show much.”
“Another lie. Fortunately, the hotel seems to have been honest in that being their only copy. Unfortunately, there’s a very clear view of the entire gym. Which included your performance and the panic attack that occurred before it.” Her lips pressed together. “I appreciate your discretion.”
“It’s not that Jimmy would blab or anything. I just thought Skylar wouldn’t want anyone to know. It’s got to be hard enough on her.”
“Skylar is more private than the media paints. It’s good that you’ve realized that, if you’re considering a real relationship with her.” Mandy’s arms loosened, and some of the tension left her face, though she didn’t smile. “I think you’d be good for her. You’re very sincere, Damon, and your reputation for being sweet also seems to be true.”
Damon’s shoulders hunched. “You can say it. I’m not much of a rock star, am I?”
“I wouldn’t say that at all. Despite what Skylar might have said, she’s followed your career rather closely.” Mandy cleared her throat. “Actually, depending on your answer about the video, I was going to request that you grant me a favor.”
Damon’s anxiety returned. “Is this really for Skylar?”
“I—” For once Skylar’s manager looked uncertain of herself. She pressed her lips together before trying again. “I can’t disclose why, but today was a difficult day for her. Would you look in on her at the college’s music room?”
Damon was already moving to jab at the elevator. “And there wasn’t anything you need me to take to her?” he asked, annoyed when the elevator didn’t immediately ding.
“Only you, Mr. Sweetface.” Her lips lifted in a tremulous smile when his eyes widened at the use of Skylar’s nickname. “Sorry, that was less than professional of me.”
“No problem.” Damon ignored the heat in his cheeks when the ding finally came and he stepped on. “Thanks for telling me.” He jabbed at the button for the lobby.
“No, thank you. Oh, and the limo is waiting to take you there.”
He nodded as the doors began to slide shut again. Mandy’s trembling lips didn’t allow her smile to hold. As he lost sight of her, he thought he heard a slight sob but hoped he was wrong. Skylar’s manager wasn’t the emotional sort.
He prayed for the elevator to move faster.
Chapter 23
Skylar listened to the last of the melody drifting away. The notes slid into something else in her mind. She pushed to her feet. Her legs had steadied, no longer that trembly type of pathetic she hated. With her notebook and guitar, she sat on the floor again.
The words often came quickly when exhaustion hit her after an episode. It was as if the anger in them took the last of the poison from her and spread it on the page.
But Skylar didn’t have any words this time. Only a melody that continued to shift. It wasn’t angry or hurt or anything like she normally played. No, the lingering notes reminded her of only one person. She kind of wished he was there.
“No way can I record shit like this for my fans,” Skylar muttered, though her hand tightened on the guitar.
“I liked it,” a voice said from near the doorway.
It was as if the music had conjured him. Damon sat against the opposite wall like he’d been too afraid to encroach on her space.
“You would,” Skylar murmured. The melody had been all him, soft and cozy and sweet. Of course he’d like it. She set her guitar aside. “Come here.”
Damon rose and crossed to her, lowering himself beside her without touching. He’d been careful not to touch her without permission ever since she’d told him not to.
Fuck that, she thought and crawled into his lap. She sat facing him, curled her arms around his back, and settled her head on his shoulder. That way, she could breathe in his cotton and sunshine scent and hide her face at the same time.
His hands came up, threading through her hair. When his fingers began slow, tingling circles against her scalp, the last of her tension fled.
She watched the flicker of his pulse in his neck as time stretched. Her chest ached, but it wasn’t painful, not really.
“How much did you see?” she asked, surprised when no tension returned at the thought.
His hands paused in her hair. “See?”
“I must have been so out of it not to notice you when I grabbed my notebook.” He’d been sitting right next to it. She lifted her head, her hands moving to his shoulders for balance as she stared into his gorgeous, aquamarine eyes. “Sorry, I guess I riffed off your song. Don’t worry, I won’t record it.”
“Wait, that was inspired by my song?” Damon’s smile added an extra tightening to her chest. “That’s quite a compliment, Skylar.”