Page 59 of Chase
“What’s the deal with Chase?” she asks nosily. That’s Nikki, straight to the point.
“What’s the deal with Kade?” I use her line against her. She wrinkles her nose then grins.
“Stalemate, bitch.” She says.
I laugh.
“Tonight, we are just going to enjoy ourselves, no hot headed sexy alpha men are going to be on our minds, okay?” She slightly swerves the car and goes over the curb. “Oops.” She mutters, casually. The woman is a horrific driver.
An hour later, a somewhat tipsy me, and a very sober Nikki, are dancing our butts off on the dance floor. She does this move that we learnt on our high school dance team, and I burst out laughing. Nikki used to live down south with me, until her and her parents moved away straight after she graduated high school. We both used to dance and perform on school choreography nights. Our dance teacher was one of the most amazing people I have ever met. I still think about her from time to time, she made that much of an impact on my life. I do the next move in the sequence she had chosen, giggle, then turn around and do my favorite grinding move. Rhianna’s ‘Rude boy’ starts playing and that is one of my all-time favorite bump n grinding songs.
Shit just got real.
I turn my back to Nikki, and swivel my hips seductively. Nikki always tells me my figure is similar to Shakira’s, and I’m not so sure about that, however I have the Shakira hip movement down pact. All of a sudden the atmosphere changes, a tension filling the room, and I can feel a pair of eyes on me. I know who it is before I even turn around. No wonder the man acted so nonchalant, he was going to follow me here! I turn around and my eyes make contact with his. He heat in his eyes is filled with promises, promises he means to fulfil. I turn to Nikki and nod my head in Chase’s direction. She rolls her eyes when she sees him, and tells me to go to him. Soon I can see why, because Kade is walking in to take my place as her dance partner. I walk up to Chase, and I can’t help but give him a little smile.
He pulls me into him and whispers into my ear, “You look amazing out there, Layla, I’m hard as a fucking rock.”
I giggle. “You are always hard, Chase.” I flutter my eyelashes at him innocently.
“Around you, yes!” he growls. He pulls me closer and I can feel that he is indeed, extremely aroused.
“I don’t want you dancing like that when I’m not around, Layla. I had to stare down several bastards that were looking at you.” I roll my eyes.
“Come dance with me!” I shimmy my hips against his and he moans.
“You little tease; you are going to pay for that!”
I grab his hand and pull him into the middle of the dance floor. He moves his hips against mine, moving in perfect time with me. He spins me around so my back is facing his front and grips my hips as we dance in rhythm. I lift one of my hands up behind me and wrap it around his neck. It’s like he takes that as an invitation, because he starts placing soft wet kisses on my neck. Holy shit, I am so turned on right now. I spin around and crush my lips onto his. I can tell he was surprised, but he recovers quickly and kisses me passionately. He has missed me, I can tell, just by this kiss. He puts his everything into it, as do I. We pull away, panting, trying to regain control.
“I love you, Layla.” He whispers into my ear. “I love you so fucking much.”
My heart stops.
“You consume me, angel.”
I open to my mouth to say something, what, I have no idea, but he places a finger on my mouth to hush me.
“Don’t say anything baby.”
I don’t say anything, but I do suck his finger into my mouth. His eyes narrow to thin slits, and he bites down on his lip.
“We are going home now.” He says, his voice tense.
He walks over to Kade and Nikki, who now look like they are arguing.
“Kade, can you make sure Nikki gets home safely?”
He nods, “Sure, you two have fun.” He grins mischievously, even adding a sleazy eyebrow waggle.
I stick my tongue out at him playfully and mouth to Nikki, “Is that okay?” to which she hesitates at first, then nods.
Instead of taking me home, we pull up to a fancy apartment complex. I’m assuming this is the apartment he stays in sometimes. We walk to the elevator, Chase stealing kisses at every opportunity. Once the elevator door closes, he’s on me, kissing me, wrapping my long curls in his fist. He pulls back, his eyes piercing into mine, looking soft, but also slightly conflicted.
“Does this mean you’re giving us another chance? Accepting that you’re mine? Cos I won’t take you fucking pulling away from me again.”
I nod. “I’ve always been yours, Chase.”
Chase kisses me again before saying, “I always knew that, Layla, I was just waiting for you to figure it out.”