Page 60 of Chase
With that, all talk ceases. We fumble into his penthouse apartment and don’t even make it to the bed. We find the quickest surface, in this case, his couch. We undress ourselves, without finesse or patience, we don’t need slow seduction tonight, we just need each other. He lays me down, none too gently, and then slides into me. This whole night has been foreplay and we don’t need any more. Our lovemaking is almost desperate, I feel like he is claiming me he as his. He flips me over the edge of the couch and enters me again from behind, pounding into me over and over. From the couch we move to the kitchen table, and then finally end up in bed.
Chapter Twenty Four
I wake up to the smell of something delicious. I stretch lazily and find myself feeling a little sore. Chase and I made love twice again during the night, I love that he can’t get enough of me. He walks in only wearing his boxer shorts, looking as sexy as ever. He looks slightly more muscled than before.
“Been working out?” I ask huskily.
Chase grins cheekily, “I had to find some way to work out the frustration.”
I bite my lip to contain my smile. “What do we have here?” I gesture to the plate in his hands.
“Breakfast for my woman. Pancakes with syrup, strawberries and whipped cream.” His eyes heat as he says it, and I know he is remembering our last encounter with the syrup.
“Don’t look at me like that, Chase, because I am a little too sore to do anything about it.” He comes over and hands me the plate as I sit up.
His eyes concerned on mine, “Fuck, I’m sorry, baby, I couldn’t stop myself last night.”
“I loved it,” I assure him. I eat my breakfast and Chase watches me with half lidded eyes.
“I brought you to this apartment for a reason, Layla, besides the privacy. I want you to move in here with me.”
I open my mouth, and then close it. “Chase, I’m glad we are back together again, but can we please take it a bit slower? Let’s just date for a while, then we can talk about this again.”
He looks disappointed, but nods in agreement. He kisses me on the head. “Alright. I’m just happy you’re not shutting me out anymore.” He kisses me slowly. I finish my breakfast and then we go and have a shower. Together.
We walk back into the house, hand in hand, huge smiles adorning both our faces. I see Kade, James and a random girl sitting in the lounge are.
“Look at you two!” Kade teases.
“Finally!” James grins.
I look at the girl and see her eyeing Chase. She is short and petite, with a severe black bob and curled bangs, like of like Betty Boop. Her eyes are dark and beady, her skin fair. For some reason, I don’t like her. Maybe it could be the evil looks she is sending my way. “Layla, this is Ashley, a friend of mine.” Kade introduces us. Chase’s hand tightens on mine as I put on a smile and say hello.
I look over at James, who looks tired. I walk over to him and kiss his cheek. “Where have you been, James? Are you okay?” he gives me a slight smile.
“I had work to do, I’m fine, princess. I’m glad you and Chase sorted your shit out, now he can stop sulking around the house!”
Chase flips him off.
Ashley speaks, in a grating high pitch voice. “It’s been a while, Chase.”
Her look says it all. Chase has been there and done that.
“Ashley, shut up.” Kade rumbles.
“Yeah, Ashley, the last time I saw you, you were leaving James’s room I believe,” Chase adds thoughtfully.
I glance at James’ to see him grinning unrepentantly. These men!
I sigh, “Okay, Ashley is a whore, we get it. Let’s go, Chase.”
“What the fuck did you say bitch?” she squeals.
“You’ve clearly fucked Chase. Congrats by the way, who hasn’t?” I can hear someone clearing their throat and also some muffled laughter. “And you’ve also been with James. Who knows about Kade. You are clearly an attention seeking whore, you don’t need to broadcast it. Did you get that? Or should I speak in shorter sentences for you to understand?”
Chase grabs me and carries me to his room before anything can escalade. I can hear Ashley whining in the background to Kade, saying, how could he let me talk to her like that.