Page 70 of Chase
Chase’s mum is back in town for a little a while, and we are all going to visit her. Kade invited Nikki, which I was thankful for. She tried to get out of it at first, but finally relented. His mum, whose name is Lucy, has a beautiful house near the beach. It’s a huge white house, with pillars and it looks very posh. Getting a little nervous, I flatten my dress for the third time.
Chase chuckles softly. “She is going to love you, relax.”
Easy for him to say. As we all hop out of the car, a woman comes running out to greet us. She has blonde hair, cut into a short sleek bob, longer in the front and shorter in the back. She has the same pale blue eyes that James and Kade have, and a slight, slender figure. She is one of those women who will always be beautiful, no matter her age. She is wearing a long flowing dress in a pale peach color, and bronze sandals.
“My boys! How I have missed you!” She says, pulling them all in for a hug. Chase steps back and grabs me by my hips.
“Mum this is Layla,” he says proudly.
“Layla!” She beams, “I’ve been dying to meet you. You are just as stunning as I’ve been told.” She wraps her arms around me in a welcoming hug. I freeze for a few seconds before I return it. “I’ve heard so much about you.” She whispers to me, and I can’t help but feel surprised at that. “And who is this lovely lady?” She asks, gesturing at Nikki, moving in to give her a hug too.
“This is Nikki,” Kade says, giving Nikki a possessive look. Well, hell.
Lucy glances from Nikki to Kade, and back again. She grins slyly. “Nice to meet you Nikki. I’m Lucy, but you can call me Mum if you like. Come on inside everyone.”
We walk inside and sit down in the spacious living area. Chase lifts me onto his lap and I try to wriggle away, but he pins me there. I scowl at him, but he just gives me an easy smile in return.
“What can I get you all to drink?” Lucy asks. Everyone gets a coffee except for me, I get a juice. “So Chase, how did you manage to land this beauty?” she teases, giving me a wink.
Kade chuckles. “We’ve all been wondering the same thing.”
Chase throws a pillow, from the chair, at Kade’s head. No matter what age, it seems whenever anyone goes home to their parents’ house, they end up acting like kids again. I know my sister and I do that all the time. You will hear us dobbing on each other and everything. The thought makes me giggle. “Good looks, charm, wit and a shitload good luck,” Chase answers egotistically.
Lucy scoffs, and glances over at me. “How do you put up with his ego Layla?”
I grin, “The trick is to take it down or notch or two every now and again.”
Lucy laughs. “I like this one, she has fire.” She takes a sip of her coffee and glances at Kade. “What about you Kade. How have you been, son?”
Kade looks at Nikki whilst saying, “I’ve been good, Mum, really good.”
Lucy looks to her youngest. “James?”
I glance over at James who is looking down into his drink. “Mum, did you make my coffee, an Irish coffee?” he asks, shocked.
Lucy just grins. “Why yes I did. YOLO and what not.”
We all burst out laughing.
A week later, I wake up to an empty bed, and assume Chase went to work early. The place is pretty spotless; they must have hired someone to clean up early morning. I’m studying for exams when Chase walks in. He’s wearing a black suit, and walks in giving me a weak smile. He looks drained, and his blue eyes lack their usual twinkle.
“What’s wrong?” I ask. He looks miserable.
“Nothing. Just a long day.” He replies quietly.
I glance at the clock, it’s one pm.
“Anything I can do to help?” I offer.
“No, I’m just going to work out for a while.” He kisses my head absentmindedly and heads for his room. He comes out wearing nothing but a pair of navy basketball shorts and heads for their makeshift gym. I can’t help but watch as he prowls around the house, gracefully, muscles rippling with each movement.
Two hours later and he’s still working out. I stick my head inside the door and he’s running on the treadmill, sweat tricking down his body. I’m about to leave when he stops running, and leans on the treadmill bars. He puts his head down, and stays like that for a few moments. I feel like I’m intruding. He looks out of sorts, heartbroken even. I wish he would tell me what it’s about. I go into my room and attempt studying, but I end up just sitting there staring at my laptop.
Chase comes into my room about an hour later, sitting next to me on the bed and pulling me in for a hug. “I’m going into work; I’ll be back late, okay?” Before I can ask a million questions, he kisses me gently on the lips and walks out. I have no idea what is going on right now. Throughout the night I wait for a call, a text, anything. But I get nothing.
In fact, he doesn’t even come home.