Page 71 of Chase
Chapter Twenty Nine
I’m at work the next morning and it’s a really slow day. I still haven’t heard anything from Chase. I hate feeling like this; unsure, lost, confused. Vulnerable. I need to go and talk to him, sort this out. Ask him if he’s okay, why he didn’t come home. I leave work early and head for his office. I’ve been in here only once before, when we were out and Chase had to stop by to drop something off. I look in my rear view mirror and add a little lipstick, and make sure I look okay. I walk out to the door of his office, open it and step inside. The cool air conditioning hits me, and an older woman wearing a beige blazer stands behind the reception desk, a different woman from when I was last here.
“Can I see Mr. Jackson, please?” I ask her politely.
She gives me a stern nod, “Third door down the hall.” I nod and thank her. I know where his office is, but I couldn’t just walk down there. His door is half open, and I glance inside. And get the shock of my life. Chase is standing with his back to me, leaning on his office desk. Aubrey is standing up, facing towards me, arms wrapped around Chase. And she is kissing him. She sees me, smirks, and pushes herself closer to Chase.
My heart shatters.
By the love of my life.
I make a quick exit.
I’m home for about thirty minutes, when there is a knock at the door. I open it and there stands Aubrey.
I’m shocked as hell by her audacity, I try to appear emotionless but fail. I take a step towards her and slap her across the face. Her head snaps back, and I can’t help but feel satisfaction.
“You bitch!” She yells, but doesn’t try to fight me back.
“I guess we are going to add stalking on your list of many faults? What, home wrecking not enough?” I say belligerently.
Her face pinches, even more so, and by the look on her face, I can tell this conversation isn’t going to go well.
“You think your all high and mighty, but you don’t know anything. Chase keeps so much from you.” She hisses vehemently.
“Apparently.” I hiss bitterly. “And I suppose you’re here to tell me?”
She smirks now, evilly.
“Do you even know where he was yesterday? Because he was with me.” I want to slap that smug look off her face.
“If you don’t believe me here, read our texts.” She hands me over her phone, and I can’t help but glance down. And there it is, right there.
Chase: I’ll meet you at the normal spot.
Sent yesterday morning, around nine am. My heart stops. The bitch continues talking.
“Did he tell you that he got me pregnant?” She chuckles at the look that must be on my face.. “Yes it was while we were together. It wasn’t planned, but I knew he was going to be a great father.”
“How did he know it was yours? Didn’t you have an open relationship?” I ask quietly.
She raises her eyebrow at me. “Is that what he told you? Yes, he had an open relationship. I couldn’t make him commit to more than that. But that doesn’t mean I was allowed to be with anyone but him, you know Chase, he can be possessive like that.” I think I was going to be sick. “I lost her. My baby. I had a miscarriage, at five months.” Her voice is soft, and my heart breaks for her, for the loss of Chase’s baby. I wouldn’t wish losing a baby on anyone.
“I’m sorry.” I almost whisper. I think of Ed Sheeran’s song ‘Small Bump.’ Such a hauntingly sad song.
“No, you’re not,” she sneers, “And that’s not why I’m here, for your pity. I’m here to tell you that he will never fully let go of me, because we went through so much together, losing our little girl. We will always have something that you will never be able to erase. When I went to his office today, we were reconciling. As you could see.”
She’s taking in my reaction, feeding her hate on it, enjoying it. Before she leaves, she strikes one last parting blow.
“He told me he doesn’t even want children anymore, since losing our child hurt so much.”
Then she leaves, taking my heart with her. I pick up my phone and call Chase.
“Hey baby, I was just thinking about you.” I can hear the smile in his voice.