Page 27 of James
“Yeah, I thought James was gonna kill me. One insane husband had ordered a hit on him, and he was worried the backlash could affect us.”
“A hit,” I repeat slowly, sitting down again. They both nod.
“Fuck me,” I mutter under my breath.
“He really needs to,” Nikki replies with a grin.
“Why are we friends again?”
“I come with Layla. Oh, and we’re gonna be sister-in-laws,” she adds. Layla looks away when Nikki says that, hiding her expression. I wonder what’s running through that head of hers.
“Where’s Tee?” I ask her, changing the subject.
“She’s gone on an impromptu trip to Bali.” That sounds just like her.
My phone beeps with a message from Trey. I'd sent him some photos of Jye earlier today, and was waiting for his reply.
T: He's getting bigger already. I miss you both, this place is so quiet without you. Take care cuz.
I text him back, letting him know we miss him too.
“Is it safe to enter?” I hear Kade call out as he opens the door. Behind him in walks James and Chase. Seriously, these three have some great genes. Layla’s eyes dart to mine and we both smile, knowing we're thinking the same thing. The dessert is laid on the table, strawberry cheesecake, twix cookies and a red velvet cake. Layla, as usual, goes all out. I take Jye onto my lap, moving him from the floor where all the kids were playing with blocks on a play mat. I feed him a few bites of cakes, before looking up and seeing James staring at me intently through his lashes. I flash him a smile and then return my attention to our son. James walks over and stands behind me, pushing my hair off my neck. My shoulders hunch as my body tingles.
“Here, I’ll feed him, you go and enjoy your dessert,” he says as he lifts Jye from my lap.
“It’s okay…”
“Sasha, go and eat,” he says, cutting me off. My lip twitches as I get up and serve myself a huge piece of cheesecake.
“James is so cute with him,” Layla says softly. Cole is sitting in her lap, his mouth covered in cake. His black hair has grown longer, and is flopping adorably on his forehead. I glance over at James feeding our son and sigh in contentment. Nothing could be more appealing to me than watching him love Jye as much as I do.
“You look happy,” she says.
“I am happy.”
“Come on, let’s help clean up,” I tell her. We help with the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen. Jye is already asleep on James when it’s time for us to go.
“Thank you for having us,” I tell Nikki and Kade as we're about to leave. Little Grace is hugging Nikki’s leg, her eyes drooping. Looks like she could fall asleep any second now.
“You’re family, that means you’re welcome anytime,” Kade replies, giving me a wink. We say our goodbyes and head back to my apartment. For the first time, James stays the night.
I stare at Sasha asleep on the bed, my body shaking with silent laughter. After making a comment about how she ‘better be getting some more action tonight’ I come out of the shower to find her fast asleep. And snoring. She must have been really tired. I run my hand down the length of her naked back, loving the fact that I can touch her anytime I want again.
I almost want to wake her, but I don’t. Instead I slide into bed, gently pull her into my arms so I’m spooning her from behind. I breathe in her scent, she smells fruity with a trace of her peach perfume lingering on her neck. I place a soft kiss on her shoulder, before falling asleep.
I wake up in the middle of the night to my phone ringing. I grab it off the side table and check the time, four AM. Looks like I’m needed at the safe house. I huff out a regretful sigh and look at Sasha for a few moments. I place a kiss on her forehead and hop out of bed to quickly get dressed. I check on Jye who is fast asleep, before locking up and heading out. I send Sasha a quick text message so she won’t be worried wondering where I am. When I’m about to pull away, I look longingly at the front door. I know my time is coming to an end, because nothing is more important than my family, and they need to come first.
I need to quit this job. I can’t help but feel lighter after finally acknowledging that. I know exactly what I need to do. I smile as I drive away.
Chapter Eleven