Page 28 of James
I wake up alone, wondering where James could be. A quick check of my phone tells me he was called in to work. Jye comes into my room and we snuggle for a while before we get up and have breakfast. I do my usual routine of washing Jye, then cleaning up the house. Once that is all done, Jye and I head to the park for him to play. The day passes quickly, and before I know it, I’m back in the kitchen, cooking dinner. I’m just pulling the baked chicken out of the oven when I hear the door being unlocked. I'd given James a spare key, and he's been happily using it ever since. He walks into the kitchen looking tired, his blond hair messy and sticking out in all directions. Even though he looks exhausted, he still musters up a welcoming smile for Jye and me.
“Isn’t this domestic?” he teases as he lifts Jye into his arms for a cuddle and a kiss.
“Hey, how was your day?” I ask him.
“Smells so good, Sasha,” he says as he walks towards me and dips me theatrically, placing soft kisses on my neck.
“My day was tiring. But it felt good knowing I was coming home to this,” he tells me. He lifts me back into a standing position and then looks around the kitchen, seemingly hungry.
“Go and sit down and relax. I’ll serve the food,” I offer. He kisses me again on the temple before doing just that, pulling Jye onto his lap and taking a seat at the dinner table. I serve all the food, and bring the plates to the table. When I place James’ down, I can see that he’s laughing.
“What’s so funny?” I ask him.
“Remember when we were dating, you told me to never expect you to wait on me, because you’re not that kind of girl. Now look at you, domestic goddess,” he says with a smirk.
“I turned into a domestic goddess for Jye, not you! Just you remember that, James Steele,” I hiss, slamming his plate down a little harder than necessary. He laughs at that. When Jye copies James and starts laughing too, I cover my face with my hands.
“Keep laughing and this will be the last home-made meal you will ever taste,” I say in a saccharine sweet voice. The laughing stops. At least out loud, I can still see his body shaking in silence.
“James, can I ask you something?” I ask him after we’ve finished our meals and Jye is in bed.
“Anything. What’s on your mind?” he asks as he turns the volume down slightly on the television.
“How did you get into this? Helping abused women?” I ask him. I’ve been wondering about this ever since he told me that this was what he did, what he was passionate about. He stiffens slightly, and I feel the change in him because I’m wrapped in his arms. I’m about to tell him not to worry about explaining when he starts talking.
“An ex-girlfriend of mine, Celia, she killed herself. She was being abused by her new boyfriend. I don’t know why no one helped her. Apparently her boyfriend worked with her father, and they were family friends, so she must have felt she couldn’t turn to her own family, I’m not sure. When her body was found, she was covered in bruises, and her ribs were broken. Apparently she had contacted the police that day, but they didn’t do anything. They told her to file a report. She must have thought it was hopeless, so she ended her life.”
My breath hitches and my hand reaches for his, offering whatever comfort I can give him.
“It always stuck with me, so I looked into what options women have if they were unfortunate to be stuck in similar situations. To be honest, there weren’t many at all. The police can only do so much, I guess. So I contacted some people, and we created The Safe House. I wanted to help these women, protect them when no one else will.”
“You’re a good man, James,” I whisper.
“Will you still think so when I tell you that this is the last month I’ll be working at The Safe House?” he asks, suddenly sounding a little unsure.
“What do you mean?” I ask him, confused. I pull down the red doona so I can sit up and look into his face.
“I can’t be leaving you and Jye like this anymore. I need to be here, with the two of you,” he says, his eyes never leaving mine.
“I’d like that. I can’t help but feel selfish though,” I say honestly.
“Don’t worry, those women will still get the help they need,” he assures me.
“Who was the woman who answered your phone when I tried calling you from Scotland?” I blurt out. Another question I’ve been dying to ask. James suddenly looks sheepish.
“I actually have no idea who could have answered my phone,” he says. When he doesn’t offer anything else I open my mouth, and then snap it shut. Not knowing exactly how I want to word this question, I end up asking, “Are you saying you had so many women in your bed you have no possible idea of who could have answered your phone while your pregnant ex-girlfriend was trying to get a hold of you to tell you that you knocked her up?”
James sighs and pulls me into his arms. “No, that’s not what I was saying at all. Did I have a few one night stands when I was trying to get over you again? Yes I did. Did any of them mean anything to me? No. They knew it, and I knew it, it was just for fun,” he says as gently as he can.
“Obviously they didn’t if one answered and said you were too ‘busy’” I hiss.
“I don’t know who it was, but I’m sorry. And I wish there hadn’t been anyone else for me either, okay?” he says with a soft kiss on my cheek.
“It’s in the past, Sasha. I could never want anyone more than I want you. How many years have passed, and I've never stopped wanting you,” he tells me, his tone unwavering.
“Smooth talker,” I grumble, wanting to be angry with him.