Page 47 of Decker's Dilemma
Cara: Don’t sound too excited lol. Long story, but I think a fresh start is exactly what I need.
Oh shit. I didn’t mean to make it sound like I didn’t want her to stay in town.
But damn, she just made this whole thing a lot harder knowing she’s just ten minutes away. However, not that I’d admit it out loud, but it feels good to know she is here and not near Rhett.
I groan as my mind goes there.
“You need to stop, Decker,” I tell myself.
Me: Just surprised is all. That makes sense, though. What about work?
Cara: The school year just ended. I’ll find something new.
Okay, so she really is staying here if she quit her job. No wonder Rhett was calling her, probably wondering where the hell she went. I wonder if she told him she was leaving, or just bailed and left him confused.
Women love doing shit like that.
She texts again.
Cara: What are you doing?
Me: I’m at a stakeout. Cheating husband.
Cara: Bastard
I grin and type back.
Me: How about you?
Cara: I’m babysitting Sapphire so Clover and Felix can have a date night. I thought they’d be back by now, but they are still missing.
Me: Enjoying their freedom.
Cara: Yep! She’s fast asleep so I’m just watching TV.
I decide to give her a quick call to hear her voice. “What are you watching?”
“Nothing as exciting as you,” she says, amusement in her tone.
“I don’t know, I’ve been sitting here for over an hour,” I grumble. “You know what, I can’t even remember the last time I had a proper chat on the phone with someone. It’s all texting these days.”
“Yet here you are, calling me while you’re supposed to be working,” she teases.
“I can multitask,” I reply with a smirk. Let me show you sometime.
“Hold on a sec,” she says, and I can hear rustling noises and laughter. She puts the phone back to her ear. “Clover and Felix just got home and rushed to their bedroom.”
I smirk. “Hope you have some headphones.”
She laughs softly. “I don’t know, she had grass in her hair—looks like they already did some rolling around.”
“Nice to know you can still do shit like that after having a kid,” I comment.
“They are proof of that,” she says a little dreamily. “Any progress on the cheating husband?”
“Still waiting for him to resurface.”
“Tell me about your most exciting case yet...”