Page 48 of Decker's Dilemma
We continue to chat until she goes to sleep, and I head home with enough evidence for my client.
Some people you just can’t seem to stay away from.
Cara and I could be friends, though. Friends is safe, and I can still be there for her.
Even to myself, I sound like an idiot.
Chapter Sixteen
After texting Decker all night, I wake up and smile. I don’t know why, but picturing him sitting there and following a cheating husband while chatting with me was so amusing. His job definitely sounds interesting, something new every day. I’m sure he never knows where he will end up. I probably should have told him in person that I had decided to stay, but when he asked if I had gotten home safely, I had to let him know.
At first I got the impression he would have preferred me to have left—out of sight out of mind, maybe—and I can understand why. We seem to have some sort of connection, and it’s terrifying, and not what we both need right now.
I grab my phone off the nightstand to try to call Rhett back. After he called me when I was at Decker’s, I’ve been trying to reach him but he hasn’t been answering the phone, which isn’t unusual for him and another reason I’m glad we are over. I’m guessing he wanted to discuss the house, or maybe Dad mentioned I had left. I told him we would still be friends, and I meant it, but being away from him is definitely a good thing for the both of us.
Clover pops her head into my room to see if I’m awake. “Good morning. I made you some coffee.”
I sit up in bed as she hands it to me. “Thank you.”
“What do you want to do today? I’m going to take Sapphire to the park if you want to join us, and then maybe we could get some lunch,” she says, sitting on the edge of my bed.
“Sounds good. I’m going to start applying for jobs today, too.”
Clover surprises me by frowning. “Oh man. Can’t you take a little time off before you dive back into work? It’s so boring being here alone sometimes.”
I laugh. “I only have three months before school starts again. Is your daughter boring you, Clover?”
She smirks. “My daughter is wonderful, but having my best friend around every day would be living the dream. An adult I actually like to talk to. Stay-at-home-mom life is hard, okay? I’m looking forward to heading back to work.”
Clover has stayed home with Fire long past her maternity leave, with money not being an issue for her. She was promised her job back whenever she chooses to return, but I’ll bet she won’t last another three months. Clover is very similar to her mother, the infamous Faye Black, who was a lawyer turned FBI agent. She loves the high of closing a case.
“I know it’s hard. It’s summer, so don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll have me home with you for a while, but I have to have a look and see what my options are,” I say, taking a sip of the caramel-flavored coffee. “I can’t crash here forever, Clover. I need a plan.”
“Why not?” she asks, completely serious. “You could never outstay your welcome here.”
“I know, and I love you for it,” I reply, smiling at her. “But I need to decide if I want to stay and get a house here or move back home.”
“I think you should stay here,” she decides. “Pros: One. I’m here. Two. Fire gets to grow up with her godmother. Three. I’m here. Four. You are away from Rhett and the MC aren’t here breathing down your neck. Five. Freedom. And Six. Oh, did I mention that I live here? I also have no friends here, after all of these years, so you should do me a solid and stay here.”
“You do so have friends here.” I roll my eyes.
“None like you,” she replies with a serious face. “And should I also bring up the fact that a certain sexy private investigator lives here too? I always thought he had some big dick energy, and turns out I was right.”
I shake my head at my best friend. “I’m not letting a man be a factor in my decision on where I’m going to live.”
Clover nods. “Smart. You know I’m here for you no matter what, anything you need.”
“I’d be lost without you, Clo.”
“No, you wouldn’t. You are strong, Cara.” She stands up. “Now get dressed. We have a diva to entertain.”
She leaves my room and closes the door. I finish my coffee and then send Decker a quick text before getting out of bed and jumping into the shower. He texted first yesterday, so it should be me today.
Me: Good morning.
What the fuck is this man doing to me? I feel like a teenager again.