Page 50 of Rhett Redeemed
Maybe it’s a sign. Maybe I should wait a few more weeks and tell him then. After all, it is really early days. And then I realize that is just fear talking. I know I need to tell him.
I spend the rest of my weekend cleaning and sorting out my house, and checking my damn phone, waiting to see if Rhett actually ever replies. By Monday morning, he still hasn’t, so I push any thoughts of him to the side and get on with my week, promising myself that if I do not hear from him by Friday, I’ll ask him to come talk.
Well, at least I try.
“How are you this morning?” Cam asks when I arrive at work.
“I’m good, how are you?” I ask. I really like all the staff here, and I want to get to know them all better. It’s a little intimidating when they are such a close group, but I hope I can be a part of that as time goes on.
“Can’t complain. The sun is out. My man is fine as hell. Our wait list has grown even longer,” she replies with a bright smile, her perfectly lined pink lips kicking up at the corners.
I laugh. I needed that. Orion is pretty fine, if you like that businessman type of guy. “Of course the wait list has grown. You’re extremely talented,” I say, sitting down at my desk and getting everything ready for the morning.
“Thank you.” She beams. “I really like having you here, Con. I’m glad that we hired you.”
“Me too,” I reply, emotion hitting me. It’s so nice to feel appreciated, and it just makes me want to work even harder. I wish more employers realized this.
On my lunch break I go to our local café and order coffee and a croissant, then sit down by myself at a table. I know many people don’t like eating alone, but I don’t mind it, and I never have. I’m perfectly comfortable with my own company, probably because I grew up thinking I was an only child.
“Hey there,” a good-looking gentleman says, sitting at the table next to me. He looks to be in his midthirties, and is well-groomed with dark hair and eyes. His suit leads me to assume he’s a professional.
“Hello,” I reply, arching my brow.
“This is my first time here. Anything I should try?” he asks, scanning the menu.
“And how do you know it’s not my first time here?” I reply, taking a sip of my coffee.
“I’m just guessing. You look pretty comfortable in your surroundings.”
“I could just be a very confident woman.” I grin. “And to be honest, everything here is pretty good, especially the waffles and the berry cheesecake. Although today, my pregnant self is eying a pickle sandwich, so I probably can’t be trusted.”
His eyes widen for a second.
“Noted,” he replies, smiling. “Thanks. I’m Marvin, by the way.”
He offers his hand and I shake it. “Lovely to meet you.”
“You too,” I reply.
He gets up and goes over to the counter to order, and I finish off my food and then head back to work. When I’m on my way home at the end of the day, I swear that I see the same man driving past me in his car, but I can’t be sure.
Jamie calls me to tell me that things with her fiancé are a little rocky at the moment.
“Shouldn’t you guys still be in the honeymoon phase?” I ask, trying not to sound negative, but also trying to be the voice of reason. I haven’t even met this guy yet, but I don’t get the best vibes from him.
“Yeah, we should,” she agrees. “But I don’t know, he’s just so hot and cold. I don’t know what to think. Maybe he’s having second thoughts about the wedding.”
“You should just talk to him,” I suggest. “And I still have to meet him. We should organize a dinner or something.”
“Sounds good,” she replies. “And yeah, okay, I’ll try to talk to him and see where his head is at. I really want this to work, Con. I know it sounds crazy, but I love him. He’s the one for me, I know it. He spoils me so much. You should hear the trip he has planned for our honeymoon.”
“Okay, well, let me know how it goes.”
We end the call and I think about the fact that I never tell anyone about my personal problems or issues going on in my life. Jamie knows a little about Rhett, but not the full story, and no one knows that I’m pregnant. My mother always told me that I was closed off and never showed much emotion, but I’m pretty sure that it was a trauma response from her and Dad’s parenting, or lack thereof. I was kind of left to fend for myself most of the time, and I’ve learned to only rely on me, myself and I.