Page 51 of Rhett Redeemed
Rhett finally texts me back.
Rhett: Sorry about the other night, passing out on you and then leaving first thing. The club needed me—I had to ride back. Everything okay? What do you want to talk about?
Con: Can you let me know when you are back here next?
Rhett: Sure thing.
I leave it at that. I want to speak to him face-to-face—there’s no point going back and forth in text.
I enjoy the calm before the storm. Right now, this is as peaceful as it’s going to get for me, and I’m going to appreciate it while I can.
Because when the truth comes out?
My world as I know it is going to change.
“That Way” by Tate McRae plays in the car on my way to work, and after I park I sit there and listen until it finishes. I feel the heartfelt lyrics in the song, I really do.
When I get into the garage, Temper is there, which is a rare occasion. He usually has everyone else running around for him. I guess it’s the perks of being the owner and having a whole staff and motorcycle club at his disposal. Cam is showing him some designs, and Atlas is sitting at Bronte’s desk, going through her snack drawer and stealing some of her chocolate.
“It’s not even nine a.m. and you’re already stealing her treats,” I say.
He grins. “I brought you coffee. It’s on your desk.”
“Thank you,” I reply, perking up. I head to my desk and leave him to his business. Temper comes over and says hello and goodbye and then leaves.
“Everything okay?” I ask Cam as I drink my coffee. I then realize that I probably shouldn’t drink coffee anymore and put the delicious drink down unhappily.
She nods. “Yeah, we are just upping the security here. We always upgrade with whatever new technology comes out. So Temper was checking out the cameras and alarms. He seems to be a little on alert, though, so maybe something is going on.” She shrugs it off like it’s no big deal. “Orion is coming in today to pick up his latest bike. I swear he’s my biggest customer.”
I smile. “That’s pretty damn cute.”
She beams. “I know. He brings us in a lot of business.”
“Do you know what’s going on?” I ask Atlas as he walks past.
“With what?” he asks, expression giving nothing away.
“Do you guys have shit going on with the MC?”
Atlas studies me and then laughs. “If we did, we wouldn’t be going around telling people about it. Unless you are a member of the MC, you don’t need to know.”
Intrigued, I decide to ask him a few more questions about motorcycle clubs, so I can understand exactly what Rhett’s life is like. “Can women be members?”
He shakes his head. “Not officially, no. Why? You want to join?”
Smirking with amusement, I roll my eyes. “No, I’m just curious. I do want to learn how to ride a motorcycle, though. Would you teach me?”
Atlas looks at me like I’ve grown a second head. “Sure, if you want to start a MC war.”
“What do you mean?” I ask, confused. How would that start a war?
“Did Rhett take you on the back of his bike?” he asks, studying me a little too closely.
“Yeah, why?”
“Then you’re his,” he replies with a shrug. “I’m not getting involved in that shit, no offense. I took Nadia on the back of my bike once, and I still have to watch my back around Trade.”